On Sat, 09 Nov 2019 13:45:24 +0200, wrote:
LT Spice doesn't handle nonlinearity in a frequency sim, and parts are
noiseless in a time domain sim. Time-domain oscillators sometimes need
a kick of some sort.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics
On Sat, 09 Nov 2019 07:08:52 +0200, wrote:
On Fri, 08 Nov 2019 10:58:29 -0800, John Larkin> wrote:
On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 18:32:49 -0000 (UTC), Steve Wilson <
John Larkin <> wrote:
On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 16:14:26 -0000 (UTC), Steve Wilson <
wrote: wrote:
On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 12:00:23 -0000 (UTC), Steve Wilson <
Jeroen Belleman <jeroen@nospam.please> wrote: wrote:
This actually works, at least the single time I tried it:
I never had the guts to do that in production.
Don't you dare! ;-)
Jeroen Belleman
Actually, with a bit of care, this could be made into a nice 155 MHz
Clapp oscillator. See 04.ASC JFET 155MHz Clapp Osc in
I thought it would be cool to make an XO from a schmitt trigger
inverter, a crystal to ground at the input, and a feedback resistor.
This must oscillate, and always does, just nowhere close to the
expected frequency. The crystal is just an expensive capacitor.
You are doing it wrong.
I'm not doing it. It's just something I tried once.
What's wrong with trying things?
I was referring to your schmitt inverter. If you knew anything about
Barkhausen Criteria, you wouldn't even waste your time and come to the
wrong conclusion. I fixed it for you.
Classical concepts like Barkhausen are useless in strongly nonlinear
circuits, like Schmitt oscillators.
The question is, does the oscillator start.
A normal oscillator is merely a noise amplifier with a frequency
selective positive feedback. For each time the original white thermal
noise around the feedback loop is amplified, the original white
thermal noise is amplified only in the filter passband increasing the
For each time around the loop, the spectral peak becomes narrower and
narrower, much narrower than the filter Q would suggest, finally
ending up as a single spectral line. The amplitude can't grow
forester, either the amplifier gain is reduced or the signal is
While initially starting to amplify the white noise, it is essential
the amplifier is in class A or AB. After a few iterations, when the
amplitude has grown close to saturation, the amplifier can fall into
class C and oscillate happily forever.
If the amplifier is initially deeply in class C, it doesn't amplify
the thermal noise and the oscillator will not start. The Schmitt
trigger makes starting even more unlikely.
For those who like to play with LTSpice, one could unroll the feedback
loop by creating a few dozen modules containing an amplifier stage, an
attenuator (to simulate feedback factor and filter losses) followed by
a bandpass filter. Connect these modules in series.
At the input of this long chain, connect a resistor to ground,creating
a thermal white noise density of -174 dBm/Hz. Observe the amplitude
and spectrum after each stage.
If in a stage the attenuation is grater than amplifier gain, no output
is produced from the chain. If the amplifiers are class C no output is
produced from the chain.
LT Spice doesn't handle nonlinearity in a frequency sim, and parts are
noiseless in a time domain sim. Time-domain oscillators sometimes need
a kick of some sort.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics