Can you name _one single poster_ who managed to acquire any IP of anyDo you see any problems with a moving version?
Don't keep us settin' on the edges of our chairs!
Tell us them problems!
VAST problems.
But are these problems as vast as Al Gore?
�Basic to physics which you clearly have never understood,
Don't you want to enlighten all of Poo Bear's friends?
so it's largely pointless trying to explain why.
Especisally if you don't know.
Which is precisely why you try to get others inflamed to the point where
they'll say: "Yes, dammit, I _do_ know!" and then they spill the beans
value with that tactic?
But there is no trick or IP here.and you can pretend you knew the trick all along and owe them nothing.
You cannot patent the laws of physics that allow or prohibit moving
Again, you need to go to small claims court and sue to get your
"training" money back.
Bret Cahill