T. Keating
On Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:40:07 -0700 (PDT), mmodrall1@gmail.com wrote:
Check the safety interlock (door) switches.. You'll probably find one that's partially
melted.. (Which is typical time/use failure, since many uWave designs often run >10+ AC
amps thru these little micro switches).
When these safety switches fail it often produces symptoms exactly like what you are
We have a 6 year-old GE Spacemaker microwave that has stopped microwaving. The fan, lights, turntable, etc all still work - just no microwaves.
a) Is this worth repairing or is replacing the only good option?
b) What would the cost of the tube be, and is this a repair that can be done DIY? I know there's a big capacitor in there I have to watch out for, but other than that?
Check the safety interlock (door) switches.. You'll probably find one that's partially
melted.. (Which is typical time/use failure, since many uWave designs often run >10+ AC
amps thru these little micro switches).
When these safety switches fail it often produces symptoms exactly like what you are