Jim Granville
"Nicholas C. Weaver"
Maybe Austin L could confirm if Xilinx are using this ?
In noise immunity topics, we've seen the point made that
the CONFIG cells have significantly different, and better, noise
immunity ( so config corruption is less likely than logic corruption).
There would be a case for really pushing the Speed rules for LOGIC,
but going for MAX Yield (ie slightly relaxed geometries) on the CONFIG
cells (lots more of them, _and_ they are not 'picosecond paranoid' ).
There would be some trade off on CONFIG time, and leakage Current in
a variable threshold design.
I think this could be checked experimentally - drop Vcc, and LoadCLK,
and plot Config verify fail Vcc/Freq curve.
Then create a LOGIC fabric shifter, and do the same for it.
I believe foundries offer this already.In article <vsclib1e0fi69b@corp.supernews.com>,
Hal Murray <hmurray@suespammers.org> wrote:
Any reason somebody couldn't implement 2 types of logic on one
chip. Slow but low leakage for the config memory and fast but
more leakage for the active logic? I assume it doesn't work
easily with modern processing or people would be doing it already.
(Maybe they already are?)
Maybe Austin L could confirm if Xilinx are using this ?
In noise immunity topics, we've seen the point made that
the CONFIG cells have significantly different, and better, noise
immunity ( so config corruption is less likely than logic corruption).
Why ? Sure, more steps will be needed - but spacing ?I'm fishing for more theory or long term ideas.
The problem is the FPGA places the SRAM cells (low leakage) right next
to active (must be high speed) switching transistors.
Any processing rule which had two Vts for the different transistors
would probably require a fairly substantial spacing between the two
There would be a case for really pushing the Speed rules for LOGIC,
but going for MAX Yield (ie slightly relaxed geometries) on the CONFIG
cells (lots more of them, _and_ they are not 'picosecond paranoid' ).
There would be some trade off on CONFIG time, and leakage Current in
a variable threshold design.
I think this could be checked experimentally - drop Vcc, and LoadCLK,
and plot Config verify fail Vcc/Freq curve.
Then create a LOGIC fabric shifter, and do the same for it.