32" Toshiba - coax connector snapped off


Sean LeBlanc

A short while ago, my coax connector on the back of my Toshiba 32"
snapped off. I'm not sure how or why this happened. I certainly wasn't
around when it happened.

Anyway, it's now really difficult to get good cable reception. When I
look straight into the place that the coax post was, I can see what
looks for all the world to be a spring or coil that runs up & down
inside the hole - this spring is sort of bent to the side out of my
view. Als there is metal all around the hole forming a shape that fit
the outside of the post - hexagonal or octagonal. I can futz around
with the snapped off connector screwed into the cable and get it "just
so" and get perfect reception - then the tiniest jiggle - and then
it's snow or no picture/sound at all. Is there any way to get a new
connector on these things? How hard would it be to do myself?

When I open the TV, I can see there is sort of a unit that comes up
off the main board (the board all the way at the bottom) and looks
like it might be modular and maybe replaceable, but doesn't seem to
come off - unless there is something I'm not doing right. I don't want
to snap anything off.

If this isn't enough information or isn't clear, please let me know.

Any and all help appreciated,

Sean LeBlanc
That is the tuner that the f connector is broken off. The tuner needs
unsoldered from the main board so that the connector might be replaced and a
new one soldered in place. With the apparant lack of skill as indicated in
your posting, it will likely cost you less to have someone with experience
look at the set and give you and estimate now, before a botched repair

Worst case will be the whole tuner will need replaced if it has been damaged
beyond repair (at this point it probably can be repaired). With some skill
and the proper tools and a solderable connector, a new f connector can be
soldered in place on the tuner.


"Sean LeBlanc" <seanleblanc@comcast.net> wrote in message
A short while ago, my coax connector on the back of my Toshiba 32"
snapped off. I'm not sure how or why this happened. I certainly wasn't
around when it happened.

Anyway, it's now really difficult to get good cable reception. When I
look straight into the place that the coax post was, I can see what
looks for all the world to be a spring or coil that runs up & down
inside the hole - this spring is sort of bent to the side out of my
view. Als there is metal all around the hole forming a shape that fit
the outside of the post - hexagonal or octagonal. I can futz around
with the snapped off connector screwed into the cable and get it "just
so" and get perfect reception - then the tiniest jiggle - and then
it's snow or no picture/sound at all. Is there any way to get a new
connector on these things? How hard would it be to do myself?

When I open the TV, I can see there is sort of a unit that comes up
off the main board (the board all the way at the bottom) and looks
like it might be modular and maybe replaceable, but doesn't seem to
come off - unless there is something I'm not doing right. I don't want
to snap anything off.

If this isn't enough information or isn't clear, please let me know.

Any and all help appreciated,

Sean LeBlanc
"Sean LeBlanc" <seanleblanc@comcast.net> wrote in message
A short while ago, my coax connector on the back of my Toshiba 32"
snapped off.
When I
look straight into the place that the coax post was, I can see what
looks for all the world to be a spring or coil that runs up & down
inside the hole - this spring is sort of bent to the side out of my
I can futz around
with the snapped off connector screwed into the cable and get it "just
so" and get perfect reception - then the tiniest jiggle - and then
it's snow or no picture/sound at all. Is there any way to get a new
connector on these things? How hard would it be to do myself?
When I open the TV, I can see there is sort of a unit that comes up
off the main board (the board all the way at the bottom) and looks
like it might be modular and maybe replaceable, but doesn't seem to
come off - unless there is something I'm not doing right. I don't want
to snap anything off.
Sean LeBlanc

Sean LeBlanc:
The other reply post from David is correct.....
If you continue to screw around with this you will end up with a very
expensive repair......
take it to a service shop where a qualified and knowledgeable tech can
repair the television with a proper replacement part..... at this point the
repair should be straight forward and economical.... but if the tuner
module is fried because of continued screwing around with the "spring thing"
the repair will be much more.
At the very least take it to a service shop for a repair cost estimate so
you can make an intelligent repair decision with facts instead of Internet
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
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