Michael A. Terrell
Ron wrote:
Sure, but only if you can get enough coal. ;-)
You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense.
On 04/02/2012 14:28, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Sylvia Else wrote:
On 29/01/2012 4:28 AM, daviddschool wrote:
I am thinking green here. I have recently seen a couple of 15W solar
panels (15 X 2) on sale at Canadian Tire for $99.00. If I have those
hooked up to an electric generator, could I :
1) Trickle charge the generator
2) Have enough power to run some lamps, computers etc
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
I use mine to charge my battery chickens.
Still too lazy to use the good, old fashioned wind up chickens? ;-)
A true Brit would always prefer steam powered hens.
Sure, but only if you can get enough coal. ;-)
You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense.