Bret Cahill
Also consider conventionally [read: expensive] powered R. O. costsIf the volume of sea level rise is 0.2 km^3/hr or 350 GW to power the
reverse osmosis pumps or about $210 billion in PV at $0.60/watt.
The water can be injected into the aquifers to buy some time.
There are other costs, i.e., canals, etc. but this is faster and
cheaper than sea walling every port city on the planet.
Bret Cahill
Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend.
To put that sum of $210 billion into context, Munich Re has just announced
that in 2012, natural catastrophes caused over $160 billion worth of damage
worldwide. Hurricane Sandy caused an estimated $25 billion.
Aid package to be voted on totaling $60 billion. If Toronto had
been hit harder that Richard Anderson dirtbag would have been
screaming for relief money.
several hundreds dollars/acre foot while many crops bring in at least
an order of magnitude more money / acre.
Bret Cahill