Winfield Hill
This is a stick of 14 sensors on six ICs, that's
meant to go into the middle of a beehive. But it
could be interesting for other uses. It runs on
low-power 3.3V, and uses a single I2C data bus.
WRT to the choice of sensors, there's redundancy
for the T + RH sensors, because we've had so much
trouble with RH sensors (it's a test platform).
It has a barometric-pressure sensor, a CO2 sensor,
and two volatile organic gas sensors. The latter
use miniature hot plates, briefly drawing up to
75mA. An 800M:1 dynamic-range light sensor is to
help explore interesting night-time hive activity
(but we didn't add proximity detectors). (I also
resisted temptation to add a lightning detector.)
As far as the bewildering array of IO connectors
is concerned, that's to handle a variety of uses.
- Win
meant to go into the middle of a beehive. But it
could be interesting for other uses. It runs on
low-power 3.3V, and uses a single I2C data bus.
WRT to the choice of sensors, there's redundancy
for the T + RH sensors, because we've had so much
trouble with RH sensors (it's a test platform).
It has a barometric-pressure sensor, a CO2 sensor,
and two volatile organic gas sensors. The latter
use miniature hot plates, briefly drawing up to
75mA. An 800M:1 dynamic-range light sensor is to
help explore interesting night-time hive activity
(but we didn't add proximity detectors). (I also
resisted temptation to add a lightning detector.)
As far as the bewildering array of IO connectors
is concerned, that's to handle a variety of uses.
- Win