12v relay on 3v ??

I have LTSpice Switcher CAD III , is it what what you mean ?
On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 03:35:44 -0500,
ahonda55@hotmail-dot-com.no-spam.invalid (ahonda55) wrote:

I have LTSpice Switcher CAD III , is it what what you mean ?
Yes. That means I can send you a schematic for it to view.

On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 03:35:40 -0500,
ahonda55@hotmail-dot-com.no-spam.invalid (ahonda55) wrote:

(1) Do you need (or want) to keep that LED bargraph operating, while

at the same time having something to drive that relay at 4500 RPM?

it doesn't matter , i fact i made anothe freq.>voltage circuit like
the one in paul's page.
Okay. Understood.

2) Are you currently using an 8V regulated supply, as appears to be

suggested in that web page? Do you want to keep using it?

I use it now , but i can use anything else , electronic parts are
cheap here!!

3) Did the circuit on Paul's web page actually work for you,
regarding your spark signal conditioning? (I gather you will say
"YES" to this, but I just want to make absolutely sure about it.)

YES ;)

(4) You say that 150Hz is 4500 RPM. This suggests to me that you get

2 pulses per revolution. Is this an accurate understanding of the

i got that from Paul's page , and it is logically true.
Just making sure.

5) what are the specifications for your relay? I can't find a data
sheet on it and I don't know what the required currents might be.
is important to know, in order to guess whether or not the internal
circuitry of the LM2907 can handle it. Or we could just play it safe
and specify an external BJT, I suppose

i still can't find any info. about it , but it is safe to play.
All right. That sounds fine, then.

6) What kind of response speed is required?

i have tested the LM2907 circuit with the transistor - relay circuit
in my car yesterday , i got that the response should be slow to let
the engine RPM go down.
Slow is good. I'll be posting up a possible schematic to try.

In Explorer, and maybe Notepad, go into the Preferences and change
default font to Courier. The text schematics will display as they

thanks , i have tryed it but nothing happenned.
Okay. We shall drop it, then.

When I get to the point of doing another schematic for you to
consider, I'll put it up as a graphic on a web page for you. Or do
you have a copy of LTSpice from Linear on your computer?

thank you very much , i don't have it but i will try to search for
I see you already did.

i have now in my car 20 LED's tachometer ,, here is a photo for the

I take it that the solo LED color is for 4500 RPM?

Thanks a lot , your answers are more that my expectations, really
thanks , i know that i have asked too many questions but i have
learned so many things from you.
Oh, I'm learning as I go and you get to do all the real work! So that
is nicer for me. No problem!

I take it that the solo LED color is for 4500 RPM?
well , i don't have exact mesure for this tachometer , but when i
adjust it to light the first LED at idle the tachometer NEVER reach
the yellow colour.

my engine RPM max. is only 5200 , my car is OLD and it is 2.0 CC !!
the solo LED needs a Honda S2000 !!!
but when i increase R1 to run 3 LEDs at idle the tachometer becomes
very ideal to my car.

Thanks a lot , i aprecciate that :)
Jonathan Kirwan wrote:
On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 04:23:36 GMT, ehsjr <ehsjr@bellatlantic.net

How did you view the relay? When I click the link he posted,
I get to what I presume is the home page for ImageShack, but
I can't figure out how to get to the image from there.


It works for me.

Terrific! I assume this is the replacement relay:

They don't show the LR-22F on the site, thus the
assumption. If the assumption is correct, it draws
~ 37 mA so the transistor in the 2907 should handle it.
To be sure, measuring the current draw is indicated,
since the spec is based on assumption.

ahonda55 wrote:

In Explorer, and maybe Notepad, go into the Preferences and change


default font to Courier. The text schematics will display as they


thanks , i have tryed it but nothing happenned.
You will miss a lot if you can't view the schematics
that are drawn here.

In Notepad, click on Format, then click on Font, then
scroll to Courier and click on it, then click on ok.

After that, you can save the post that contains the
schematic to your C: drive, and open it with Notepad.
To save it, I click on File, then Save As and File.
I don't know what you will need to do on your newsreader.
You can also cut and paste it from the newsgroup to

It would be better if it appeared properly on-line.
To do that, you need to set your newsreader to
Courier font. It is worth the effort to do it!

On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 03:39:02 GMT, ehsjr <ehsjr@bellatlantic.net>

Jonathan Kirwan wrote:
On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 04:23:36 GMT, ehsjr <ehsjr@bellatlantic.net

How did you view the relay? When I click the link he posted,
I get to what I presume is the home page for ImageShack, but
I can't figure out how to get to the image from there.


It works for me.

Terrific! I assume this is the replacement relay:

They don't show the LR-22F on the site, thus the
assumption. If the assumption is correct, it draws
~ 37 mA so the transistor in the 2907 should handle it.
To be sure, measuring the current draw is indicated,
since the spec is based on assumption.
That looks right. Do you know, off hand, how you arrived at that 37mA
figure? Is it on the assumption of the larger .45W number on the
sheet where it says 'resistance' and taking that as wattage with the
expected 12V specification? Namely, .45/12?

Thanx a lot , but i still have the same problem.
when i open the html file by notepad and in Courier font Or when i
copy the schematic and paste it in the note pad in Courier font the
result is the same....
all the lines starts at the left edge of the window !!

i know that i will miss a lot and that is why i have to scream !!

thanks a lot and if you have another way to see the schematic plz
share us :)

Thanks again.
ahonda55@hotmail-dot-com.no-spam.invalid (ahonda55) wrote:

Thanx a lot , but i still have the same problem.
when i open the html file by notepad and in Courier font Or when i
copy the schematic and paste it in the note pad in Courier font the
result is the same....
all the lines starts at the left edge of the window !!

i know that i will miss a lot and that is why i have to scream !!

thanks a lot and if you have another way to see the schematic plz
share us :)

Thanks again.
To whom are you replying? Or, what circuit are you trying to view?

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Jonathan Kirwan wrote:
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 03:39:02 GMT, ehsjr <ehsjr@bellatlantic.net

Jonathan Kirwan wrote:

On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 04:23:36 GMT, ehsjr <ehsjr@bellatlantic.net

How did you view the relay? When I click the link he posted,
I get to what I presume is the home page for ImageShack, but
I can't figure out how to get to the image from there.


It works for me.

Terrific! I assume this is the replacement relay:

They don't show the LR-22F on the site, thus the
assumption. If the assumption is correct, it draws
~ 37 mA so the transistor in the 2907 should handle it.
To be sure, measuring the current draw is indicated,
since the spec is based on assumption.

That looks right. Do you know, off hand, how you arrived at that 37mA
figure? Is it on the assumption of the larger .45W number on the
sheet where it says 'resistance' and taking that as wattage with the
expected 12V specification? Namely, .45/12?

Right. It's one more reason I like to use an external
transistor driver when possible - it not only eliminates
the assumptions, it eliminates the need to spend time
searching for the relay datasheet and then reading it
if you do find it. And hoping it was right. And wondering
if you understood whatinthehell they meant.

ahonda55 wrote:
Thanx a lot , but i still have the same problem.
when i open the html file by notepad and in Courier font Or when i
Try saving the file as a text file instead of an html
file and see if that works for you. If it does not work
you will have to change the settings in your newsgroup
reader. If you tell us what newsgroup reader you use,
someone who has the same reader can tell you how to set
it up. I use Mozilla Thunderbird.


copy the schematic and paste it in the note pad in Courier font the
result is the same....
all the lines starts at the left edge of the window !!

i know that i will miss a lot and that is why i have to scream !!

thanks a lot and if you have another way to see the schematic plz
share us :)

Thanks again.
ahonda55 wrote:
Thanx a lot , but i still have the same problem.
when i open the html file by notepad and in Courier font Or when i
copy the schematic and paste it in the note pad in Courier font the
result is the same....
all the lines starts at the left edge of the window !!

i know that i will miss a lot and that is why i have to scream !!

thanks a lot and if you have another way to see the schematic plz
share us :)

Thanks again.
I sent you an e-mail with the .jpg attached showing
the 741 connected as discussed in the thread.
:oops: :oops: :oops:

dear ehsjr , i have a very big problem , i have saved yor e-mail on my
HDD and deleted it from my inbox to save the remain 40% space i have
but the page appeared clear without anything. :cry: and i lost the
one in the inbox , have you ever seen some one unlucky like me ???

PLEASE send me the same e-mail again with the same schematic.
i don't know what happenned !! sorry for asking that again :oops:
:oops: :oops: :cry:
To whom are you replying? Or, what circuit are you trying to view?
Plz refer to pages 3&4 and you will find a text schematics .

Try saving the file as a text file instead of an html
file and see if that works for you. If it does not work
you will have to change the settings in your newsgroup
reader. If you tell us what newsgroup reader you use,
someone who has the same reader can tell you how to set
it up
i did that , and the same problem still. i use Internet Explorer 6.

I sent you an e-mail with the .jpg attached showing
the 741 connected as discussed in the thread.
Yeah , i got that ,you know , that was exactly what i am looking for ,
your e-mail was very clear and i would like to learn 3 years how to
thatnk you for this effort , and sure dear Jonathan Kirwan for his
great replays and all of you.
ahonda55 wrote:
Try saving the file as a text file instead of an html
file and see if that works for you. If it does not work
you will have to change the settings in your newsgroup
reader. If you tell us what newsgroup reader you use,
someone who has the same reader can tell you how to set
it up

i did that , and the same problem still. i use Internet Explorer 6.
OK - when you are reading the news groups, look up at the top of the
screen. Do you see the words Outlook Express in the bar at the top?
If so your news reader is Outlook Express. I hope someone who is
familiar with it can tell yoiu what you need to do. Regarding your
other post - no problem, I'll send the note again.

thanx man , i got your e-mail .
and i have only IE6 , i don't use Outlook Express .
all i have is IE6.

Thank you :)
ahonda55 wrote:
thanx man , i got your e-mail .
and i have only IE6 , i don't use Outlook Express .
all i have is IE6.

Thank you :)
Groan! When I bring up IE6, I click on tools, Internet Options,
Programs and it brings up a menu that includes a box named
I can't put IE6 in there - it won't let me type anything, it
gives me a menu of things I can choose from when i click in that
box. So I can't simulate your situation. You really need to
get a decent newsgroup reader. I use Mozilla Thunderbird and it works
well for me for email and newsgroups, and it is free.
I don't know if it would be a good choice for you.

ahonda55@hotmail-dot-com.no-spam.invalid (ahonda55) wrote:

thanx man , i got your e-mail .
and i have only IE6 , i don't use Outlook Express .
all i have is IE6.

Thank you :)
In IE6, go to the thread with Ed's ASCII in it. By default, IE uses
proportional fonts like Arial, not a fixed font which you need for
ASCII. So select it all by dragging with your mouse cursor, as shown

Then copy and paste it into a text editor, such as Notepad. Ensure the
font used in that is fixed, such as Courier New, Size 10, Regular.
But, like Ed, I think you'd be better off using a proper newsreader
rather than Google Groups in IE6.

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
well ,,, i got your idea now , i have no idea befor !!
yes , there is
1- Microsoft Outlook (default)
2- Outlook Express

Ed , i want to ask you another small thing and sorry for asking so
many things,,, would you please send me the 741 explain and the
example like you did in the first e-mail , for me and for all to know
, cuz that was a perfect explain to use the 741.

Thank you again and again .
ahonda55 wrote:
well ,,, i got your idea now , i have no idea befor !!
yes , there is
1- Microsoft Outlook (default)
2- Outlook Express

Ed , i want to ask you another small thing and sorry for asking so
many things,,, would you please send me the 741 explain and the
example like you did in the first e-mail , for me and for all to know
, cuz that was a perfect explain to use the 741.

Thank you again and again .

Ok - I forwarded the original note and jpg.

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