Bob Eldred
"Rob" <Rob@rob.co.uk> wrote in message
voltage to 5 Volts and slowly turned up the current .. all i could get
was 20 amps the wire glowed white hot ..Now i have done this test
before on my old 400watt computer PSU and it went off scale on my 25
amp analoge meter.. and melted the nicrome wire..."
How do you know it will only put out 20 Amps? What is the "droop" on the
five volts as you increase the current? What is the current sensing scheme
in the PS? At 325Amps, you can be sure there is an "ample" shunt some where
in the unit. Be sure the right shunt is in place. Double up on the nichrome
test resistor and cut its lenght in half. Better yet, put the nichrome in a
pan of water and measure the voltage and current. The water should keep it
cool enough that the resistance stays more or less constant. You need to
make a resistor you can rely on that is about 0.125 ohms for 40 Amps @ 5
Volts. Be sure the leads and connections don't add to your resistance. It
wouldn't take much to degrade the current to 20 Amps.
On another subject, why couldn't you use the SCRs as rectifiers. All you
have to do is trigger them on each half cycle with some simple circuitry.
"I connected it up to a short length of nicrome wire and set theHi
well since last time i asked for advice i have had a few
problems...First problem was i had ordered some 400A 30V low Vf
Schottky diode rectifiers i won them on ebay
...But never got them through the postso that delayed me a week or
so..Then i Bought from a Surplus shop 8 x 110 amp Rectifiers..they
were only a about 3$ each ...used but untested..I got them from Cpi
surplus in the USA ..very fast service...Unfortunatley the diodes i
bought were Silicon controlled rectifiers...Which my Radio Ham friend
told me they are no use for what i wanted...So i was realy pissed
off!!...So i decided to spend even more money on another PSU rated at
5 Volts at 325 amps..I won it on ebay a week orso ago..
Its made by Power Ten INC.. its a 19 inch rack mounted PSU with
variable Voltage and Current control..First impressions were WOW!!
when i turned it on it sounded like a jet taking of lots of noise from
the internal fans...However my Smile was soon wiped of my face when i
tried to test the power output...
I connected it up to a short length of nicrome wire and set the
voltage to 5 Volts and slowly turned up the current .. all i could get
was 20 amps the wire glowed white hot ..Now i have done this test
before on my old 400watt computer PSU and it went off scale on my 25
amp analoge meter.. and melted the nicrome wire...
I then tried a very crude electrolyisis of my Lead Nitrate solution,
using my old 400 watt PSU i can get 15 amps thru it ..But with this
PSU i only managed a poxy 2 amps... i am now totaly pissed off!!!?
Have i wasted even more money?...How can i test my PSU?.. will it
damage the unit if i make a dead short on the connections.. and slowly
turn up the current ?...The control for the current works by setting a
limit on the power supply...I hope some one can put a smile back on my
Dont forget i want to use the power supply for electrolysing Sodium
Chloride solution..I have read several patents and the cells run at
about 4.75 volts at several hundred amps....
So i assumed that a 5V supply should be able to do the job... I have
got several amp meters to read the current..
But at the moment i have no power supply that can give me the current
i require..
Is the PSU faulty?...or is it something else i am overlooking?..
Hope some one can help ....
voltage to 5 Volts and slowly turned up the current .. all i could get
was 20 amps the wire glowed white hot ..Now i have done this test
before on my old 400watt computer PSU and it went off scale on my 25
amp analoge meter.. and melted the nicrome wire..."
How do you know it will only put out 20 Amps? What is the "droop" on the
five volts as you increase the current? What is the current sensing scheme
in the PS? At 325Amps, you can be sure there is an "ample" shunt some where
in the unit. Be sure the right shunt is in place. Double up on the nichrome
test resistor and cut its lenght in half. Better yet, put the nichrome in a
pan of water and measure the voltage and current. The water should keep it
cool enough that the resistance stays more or less constant. You need to
make a resistor you can rely on that is about 0.125 ohms for 40 Amps @ 5
Volts. Be sure the leads and connections don't add to your resistance. It
wouldn't take much to degrade the current to 20 Amps.
On another subject, why couldn't you use the SCRs as rectifiers. All you
have to do is trigger them on each half cycle with some simple circuitry.