Zenith tv vcr combo srv1300s dead



I got this tv from a friend that said i can have it if i can fix it.

I try to power it on, the tv will cycle for a sec and shut off.

I checked the HOT, and it tests fine.

I also read that there are two to-220 regulators that typically go bad on
these, I went ahead and replaced the 7805, and the 7806 regulators.

The television still cycles.

I pulled the power supply back out and checked the diodes and voltages. The
secondary supply diodes test fine.

I checked the volteges on the power supply, the 113vdc test post tests a
normal voltage, and I checked the voltages at the regulators and they both
appear to be normal.

There is about 7volts on the 5vdc regulator with a 4.8 to 5v output

there is 11.5 vdc on the 6vdc regulator with about 5.8 to 6vdc output.

The volts are normal. When i try to power it up, it will cycle too quickly
for the HV to come up.

If i disconnect the TV deflection board completely from the circuit, it
still cycles.

Im stuck.

Any Ideas?

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