zenith tv power reset button tripping



I have a 20" Zenith color TV which is 15-20 years old.It has a big power
transformer in the power supply.It was working fine till the last time I
turned it on, the red reset button in the back tripped and just keeps
tripping if I reset it.Any suggestions as to what the problem could be?

The tv is drawing too much current due to a failed component in the power
supply or deflection circuits.


"RayP" <rayp@nbnet.nb.ca> wrote in message
I have a 20" Zenith color TV which is 15-20 years old.It has a big power
transformer in the power supply.It was working fine till the last time I
turned it on, the red reset button in the back tripped and just keeps
tripping if I reset it.Any suggestions as to what the problem could be?

Obviously there is an over-load or short that is causing the breaker to
trip. Do not keep re-setting and tripping, more damage and a more expensive
repair could result.
You will have to have the television fixed by a tech who can open er up,
troubleshoot and test for faulty or shorted circuitry and then replace the
necessary parts.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
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"RayP" <rayp@nbnet.nb.ca> wrote in message
I have a 20" Zenith color TV which is 15-20 years old.It has a big power
transformer in the power supply.It was working fine till the last time I
turned it on, the red reset button in the back tripped and just keeps
tripping if I reset it.Any suggestions as to what the problem could be?

Also, if the set uses a reset button, it's older than 15-20 years. The last
Zenith built with this setup was in 1979. Getting pretty old to be worth fixing
up. Most common problems were shorted tripler, horiz out transistor. Some sets
used the "bathtub" capacitor that would short, and the power transformers also
went bad in quite a few of those old Zeniths. These are all going to be
expensive and parts are getting obsolete.

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