zener diodes


mark krawczuk

hi, i need a 7.5 volt zener diode, , of course which i havent got, but i
do have a 5.1 volt and a 2.4 volt zener,

can i just connect em up in series or do i parralell then up?
mark k


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On Mon, 04 Apr 2005 05:01:13 GMT, "mark krawczuk"
<krawczuk@dodo.com.au> wrote:

hi, i need a 7.5 volt zener diode, , of course which i havent got, but i
do have a 5.1 volt and a 2.4 volt zener,

can i just connect em up in series or do i parralell then up?
mark k

series will work fine.

make sure that they can handle the power dissipation of course.
"mark krawczuk"
hi, i need a 7.5 volt zener diode, , of course which i havent got, but
do have a 5.1 volt and a 2.4 volt zener,

can i just connect em up in series or do i parralell then up?

** Go and buy a 7.5 volt one.

That series combination will not be equivalent to a single zener.

.............. Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"mark krawczuk"

hi, i need a 7.5 volt zener diode, , of course which i havent got, but
do have a 5.1 volt and a 2.4 volt zener,

can i just connect em up in series or do i parralell then up?

** Go and buy a 7.5 volt one.

That series combination will not be equivalent to a single zener.

............. Phil
Why is that Phil?

KLR wrote:
On Mon, 04 Apr 2005 05:01:13 GMT, "mark krawczuk"
krawczuk@dodo.com.au> wrote:

hi, i need a 7.5 volt zener diode, , of course which i havent got, but i
do have a 5.1 volt and a 2.4 volt zener,

can i just connect em up in series or do i parralell then up?
mark k

series will work fine.

make sure that they can handle the power dissipation of course.
Yep. Join them Anode to Cathode, i.e.

-------+---- Cathode of 7V5 zener
/ \
/ \
-------+---- Anode of 7V5 zener

The 2V4 zener will dissipate 2.4/(2.4 + 5.1) = 32% of the total power,
the 5V1 zener will dissipate the remaining 5.1/(2.4 + 5.1) = 68% of the
total power, which is of course (2.4 + 5.1)*Izener where Izener is the
current flowing through the series-connected devices.

"Terry Given" = another sheep shagger

series will work fine.

** Beware of mad Kiwis giving free advice.

Greeks Bearing Gifts are no competition.

........... Phil
"Terry Given"
Phil Allison
** Go and buy a 7.5 volt one.

That series combination will not be equivalent to a single zener.

Why is that Phil?

** Go look up the Zz figures for a 2.4, 5.1 and then a 7.5 volt zener.

The BZX79C series for example.

Then come back and correct your other post.

............ Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Terry Given"
Phil Allison

** Go and buy a 7.5 volt one.

That series combination will not be equivalent to a single zener.

Why is that Phil?

** Go look up the Zz figures for a 2.4, 5.1 and then a 7.5 volt zener.

The BZX79C series for example.

Then come back and correct your other post.

........... Phil

The point Phil makes is that the dynamic zener resistance is different.
In the case of a BZX79C zener, a 7V5 is 30-80R, 2V4 is 275-600R and 5V1
is 400-480R at 1mA. At 5mA the numbers are 6-15R, 70-100R and 40-60R
respectively. So a 7V5 "compound" zener comprising 2V4 + 5V1 will have a
*different* dynamic resistance. Note that Rz is all over the place like
a mad womans shit.

I cant be bothered drawing a plot of Rz vs Vz, but you can clearly see
from the datasheet it has a minima around 7V5. higher voltage zeners
(really avalanche breakdown diodes) have high Rz, as do low voltage
zeners. Vishays BZX85 datasheet gives a much better picture of the crazy
behaviour of Rz:


Increased Rz means that the *measured* zener voltage will be higher at a
given current. for the numbers given, at 1mA it'll be 645mV - 1000mV
higher; at 5mA it will be 520mV - 725mV higher . This can usually be
compensated for by fiddling with the current source (or, god forbid,
pullup resistor). Note that the change from 1mA to 5mA changes the error
due to Rz by about 30%, and is why zeners should be driven with a
constant current source - if, of course, you want a constant voltage.

The tempco Sz is also very different. low voltage zeners (actual zeners)
have -ve tempcos, high voltage zeners (really avalanche breakdown
diodes) have (mostly) positive tempcos. And the tempco itself is a
(strong, for true zeners) function of zener current too.

So, if you have any stringent requirements of Vz, its pretty important
to sort out the effect of Rz and Sz, and to use a current source to bias
the zener to reduce the effects of bias voltage variation.

OTOH for a bench hobbyist cobbling together parts, who cares, bung them
together and adjust Iz to get the "right" voltage.

"Terry Given" = one pissweak, Kiwi, bullshit artist
Phil Allison

** Go and buy a 7.5 volt one.

That series combination will not be equivalent to a single zener.

** Go look up the Zz figures for a 2.4, 5.1 and then a 7.5 volt zener.

The BZX79C series for example.

Then come back and correct your other post.

The point Phil makes is that the dynamic zener resistance is different. In
the case of a BZX79C zener, a 7V5 is 30-80R, 2V4 is 275-600R and 5V1 is
400-480R at 1mA. At 5mA the numbers are 6-15R, 70-100R and 40-60R
respectively. So a 7V5 "compound" zener comprising 2V4 + 5V1 will have a
*different* dynamic resistance.

** Zz is an important zener parameter - a fact this mad Kiwi now seeks to

At 5 mA, a single 7.5 volt is around 10 ohms while the 2.4 + 5.1 combo is a
massive 130 ohms.

In any circuit where the zener must act as a *voltage regulator* or a
voltage clamp, one 7.5 volt zener is going to do that job VERY much better
than a 2.4 + 5.1 combo - about 13 times better regulation. If there is
supply ripple voltage on the rail feeding bias current to the zener -
there will be 13 times less of it appearing across the zener when a single
7.5 volt one is used.

If the zener is subjected to bursts of current of say 100mA - a 7.5 volt
one will rise by less than 1 volt * while * the 2.4 +5.1 combo will rise
by about 10 volts !!

" ** Go and buy a 7.5 volt one.

That series combination will not be equivalent to a single zener. "

OTOH for a bench hobbyist cobbling together parts, who cares, bung them
together and adjust Iz to get the "right" voltage.

** Lord forgive the prick for he knoweth not of what he speaks.

............... Phil
I hate to stick my finger in the story........... it might get burnt

but just were does this 7.5 volt zener diode go?
what is the power rating of the diode?
if one of the series diode burnt out, would it cause a whole heap of damage
to the circuit, or just cause the circuit to malfunction?

why don't you either:
As Phil said "go and buy the correct part", and keep the other diodes for
another day.

just connect the two diodes you already have in series and see how lucky you

But goodness me if it is only a 400mW zener it will only cost you 50 cents
or so, is the too much?

please tell us more MARK

"mark krawczuk" <krawczuk@dodo.com.au> wrote in message
hi, i need a 7.5 volt zener diode, , of course which i havent got, but i
do have a 5.1 volt and a 2.4 volt zener,

can i just connect em up in series or do i parralell then up?
mark k

I hate to stick my finger in the story........... it might get burnt

** Asbestos gloves are handy.......

but just were does this 7.5 volt zener diode go?

** Somewhere in an electronic circuit .....

what is the power rating of the diode?

** Almost certainly 400mW or less - 2.4 volt zeners are only made in low

if one of the series diode burnt out,

** Err - non relevant to the issues.

As Phil said "go and buy the correct part", and keep the other diodes for
another day.

** OK - but Phil had a DAMN technical good reason for so saying.

But goodness me if it is only a 400mW zener it will only cost you 50 cents
or so, is the too much?

** There is no limit to the **cheapness** some folk long for.

( apologies to Frank Zappa. )

please tell us more MARK

** Ever read Oliver Twist ??

............. Phil
what is the power rating of the diode?
** Almost certainly 400mW or less - 2.4 volt zeners are only made in low

The aim of the posting was to find the power rating of the 7.5 volt zener
diode, after all that is the one the circuit calls for.

and I still think that this is important "if one of the series diode burnt
out, would it cause a whole heap of damage to the circuit, or just cause the
circuit to malfunction?"

no use saving 50 cents if you wreck a HiFi sound system worth $xxxx, because
it is used in the power supply.

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

I hate to stick my finger in the story........... it might get burnt

** Asbestos gloves are handy.......

but just were does this 7.5 volt zener diode go?

** Somewhere in an electronic circuit .....

what is the power rating of the diode?

** Almost certainly 400mW or less - 2.4 volt zeners are only made in low

if one of the series diode burnt out,

** Err - non relevant to the issues.

As Phil said "go and buy the correct part", and keep the other diodes for
another day.

** OK - but Phil had a DAMN technical good reason for so saying.

But goodness me if it is only a 400mW zener it will only cost you 50 cents
or so, is the too much?

** There is no limit to the **cheapness** some folk long for.

( apologies to Frank Zappa. )

please tell us more MARK

** Ever read Oliver Twist ??

............. Phil
hey, well let me think.....hmmmmmmmmm well it could be a time factor
invulved, could be that mail order companies have a minimum $10 or so
order, or could be that i`m 250 km from any decent electronics shop.

or have u ever thought that i just want to do it that way.

do u always get the "correct " part ?
so u never make do with wot u got??



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"Eric" <haha@clear.i.never.see.junk.mail.com> wrote in message
I hate to stick my finger in the story........... it might get burnt

but just were does this 7.5 volt zener diode go?
what is the power rating of the diode?
if one of the series diode burnt out, would it cause a whole heap of
to the circuit, or just cause the circuit to malfunction?

why don't you either:
As Phil said "go and buy the correct part", and keep the other diodes for
another day.

just connect the two diodes you already have in series and see how lucky

But goodness me if it is only a 400mW zener it will only cost you 50 cents
or so, is the too much?

please tell us more MARK

"mark krawczuk" <krawczuk@dodo.com.au> wrote in message
hi, i need a 7.5 volt zener diode, , of course which i havent got, but
do have a 5.1 volt and a 2.4 volt zener,

can i just connect em up in series or do i parralell then up?
mark k

what is the power rating of the diode?

** Almost certainly 400mW or less - 2.4 volt zeners are only made in

The aim of the posting was to find the power rating of the 7.5 volt zener
diode, after all that is the one the circuit calls for.
** And I answered that question.

and I still think that this is important "if one of the series diode burnt
out, would it cause a whole heap of damage to the circuit, or just cause
circuit to malfunction?"

** Well, the OP is a total moron and cannot answer that.

no use saving 50 cents if you wreck a HiFi sound system worth $xxxx,
it is used in the power supply.
** But you are an even bigger one - plus a PITA, stinking top poster.

............ Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

I hate to stick my finger in the story........... it might get burnt

** Asbestos gloves are handy.......

but just were does this 7.5 volt zener diode go?

** Somewhere in an electronic circuit .....

what is the power rating of the diode?

** Almost certainly 400mW or less - 2.4 volt zeners are only made in

if one of the series diode burnt out,

** Err - non relevant to the issues.

As Phil said "go and buy the correct part", and keep the other diodes
another day.

** OK - but Phil had a DAMN technical good reason for so saying.

But goodness me if it is only a 400mW zener it will only cost you 50
or so, is the too much?

** There is no limit to the **cheapness** some folk long for.

( apologies to Frank Zappa. )

please tell us more MARK

** Ever read Oliver Twist ??

............ Phil
Hay Mark
I just had a idea, ask Phil nicely if you could post him a $1 or 2 and a
self addressed envelope, and maybe you could post him a Christmas card at
the end of the year.


"mark krawczuk" <krawczuk@dodo.com.au> wrote in message
hey, well let me think.....hmmmmmmmmm well it could be a time factor
invulved, could be that mail order companies have a minimum $10 or so
order, or could be that i`m 250 km from any decent electronics shop.

or have u ever thought that i just want to do it that way.

do u always get the "correct " part ?
so u never make do with wot u got??



"Are you still wasting your time with spam?...
There is a solution!"

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"Eric" <haha@clear.i.never.see.junk.mail.com> wrote in message
I hate to stick my finger in the story........... it might get burnt

but just were does this 7.5 volt zener diode go?
what is the power rating of the diode?
if one of the series diode burnt out, would it cause a whole heap of
to the circuit, or just cause the circuit to malfunction?

why don't you either:
As Phil said "go and buy the correct part", and keep the other diodes for
another day.

just connect the two diodes you already have in series and see how lucky

But goodness me if it is only a 400mW zener it will only cost you 50 cents
or so, is the too much?

please tell us more MARK

"mark krawczuk" <krawczuk@dodo.com.au> wrote in message
hi, i need a 7.5 volt zener diode, , of course which i havent got, but
do have a 5.1 volt and a 2.4 volt zener,

can i just connect em up in series or do i parralell then up?
mark k


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