Louis Levin
Given the wide range of experience of people in this group, I thought
it might be informative to ask:
What are your favorite 10 analog IC's?
By a "favorite" IC, I mean one that covers the widest range of
applications and perhaps replaces several of an earlier design. Or
maybe one that you keep coming back to that solves a particular
problem easily.
With so many new IC's entering the market, many of them being rather
specialized, I personally find it difficult to keep up.
it might be informative to ask:
What are your favorite 10 analog IC's?
By a "favorite" IC, I mean one that covers the widest range of
applications and perhaps replaces several of an earlier design. Or
maybe one that you keep coming back to that solves a particular
problem easily.
With so many new IC's entering the market, many of them being rather
specialized, I personally find it difficult to keep up.