Your existing VHDL testbench says ‘Hello world’ in just


Espen Tallaksen

- and that also includes preparing the use of any UVVM Utility Library command available, - for logging, checking signal values and signal stability, waiting for signal changes, values or stability, clock generation, synchronization, and lots of other very useful testbench functionality.

The *exhaustive* list of what to do:

1. Download from Github
2. Compile Utility Library as follows:
a) Inside your simulator go to ‘uvvm_util/sim’
b) execute: ‘source ../script/’
3. Include the library inside your testbench by adding the following lines before your testbench entity declaration:
library uvvm_util;
context uvvm_util.uvvm_util_context;
4. You may now enter any utility library command inside your testbench processes (or subprograms)
e.g. log("Hello world");


You find a full Quick reference for all these commands inside the download (or here: This includes a command overview - followed by detailed info per command - including type overloads, description and examples.

Invest another 4 minutes and you are ready to run your first high level transaction commands on AXI4-lite, AXI4-stream, Avalon, SPI, I2C, UART and more. All you need to do is to compile and include the relevant Verification IP (e.g. bitvis_vip_uart) in the same way as for bullets 2 and 3 above, and then just execute any UART transaction command as given in the relevant quick reference (e.g. uart_transmit(x"5A", "Transmitting my first byte", clk, tx);

UVVM is the fastest growing FPGA (and ASIC) verification methodology world-wide (acc. to Wilson Research). Invest 4 minutes and get started now. (There is plenty documentation on Github. Check out the README file for more info and links to Powerpoints, Documentation, Webinars, etc..

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