Hi All,
For those (if any !) who liked the motif and workbench configs I posted on wheelmouse/doubleclick handling (
http://groups.google.com/groups?q=fogh%20btn4down http://groups.google.com/groups?q=fogh+double+click ) , you should also appreciate this snippet, which binds zoom to control+wheel
;; set control-wheel to zoom in/out
let( ((goldy 1.618034) (binding ""))
foreach(application '("Schematics" "Command Interpreter" "Show File" "Symbol" "Graphics Browser" "Layout")
binding=strcat("hiZoomRelativeScale(hiGetCurrentWindow() " sprintf(nil "%L" goldy) " )" )
hiSetBindKey( application "Ctrl<Btn4Down>" binding)
binding=strcat("hiZoomRelativeScale(hiGetCurrentWindow() " sprintf(nil "%L" 1/goldy) " )" )
hiSetBindKey( application "Ctrl<Btn5Down>" binding)
binding=hiGetBindKey("awv" "None<Key>z")
hiSetBindKey("awv" "<Btn4Down>" binding)
binding=hiGetBindKey("awv" "Shift<Key>z")
hiSetBindKey("awv" "<Btn5Down>" binding)
BTW, I did not get any feedback on the CmDoubleClick() function, the CmMouseWheelLikeArrows(), or the common desktop environment and X11 resources for wheelmouse that I posted this summer. So if you use it, don t be shy, tell me what you think, what you modified, ...
For those (if any !) who liked the motif and workbench configs I posted on wheelmouse/doubleclick handling (
http://groups.google.com/groups?q=fogh%20btn4down http://groups.google.com/groups?q=fogh+double+click ) , you should also appreciate this snippet, which binds zoom to control+wheel
;; set control-wheel to zoom in/out
let( ((goldy 1.618034) (binding ""))
foreach(application '("Schematics" "Command Interpreter" "Show File" "Symbol" "Graphics Browser" "Layout")
binding=strcat("hiZoomRelativeScale(hiGetCurrentWindow() " sprintf(nil "%L" goldy) " )" )
hiSetBindKey( application "Ctrl<Btn4Down>" binding)
binding=strcat("hiZoomRelativeScale(hiGetCurrentWindow() " sprintf(nil "%L" 1/goldy) " )" )
hiSetBindKey( application "Ctrl<Btn5Down>" binding)
binding=hiGetBindKey("awv" "None<Key>z")
hiSetBindKey("awv" "<Btn4Down>" binding)
binding=hiGetBindKey("awv" "Shift<Key>z")
hiSetBindKey("awv" "<Btn5Down>" binding)
BTW, I did not get any feedback on the CmDoubleClick() function, the CmMouseWheelLikeArrows(), or the common desktop environment and X11 resources for wheelmouse that I posted this summer. So if you use it, don t be shy, tell me what you think, what you modified, ...