Yet Another Altera Online Support Is USELESS Rant...


Kenneth Land

What a waste of time and bandwidth.

I ask a simple question about SPI ports on Nios and I get an unrelated link
to read as a response.


"Kenneth Land" <kland1@neuralog1.com1> wrote in message news:<>...
What a waste of time and bandwidth.

I ask a simple question about SPI ports on Nios and I get an unrelated link
to read as a response.


Post the question here!!!
"George" <> wrote in message
"Kenneth Land" <kland1@neuralog1.com1> wrote in message
What a waste of time and bandwidth.

I ask a simple question about SPI ports on Nios and I get an unrelated
to read as a response.



Post the question here!!!
Original Question:

Can't get SPI port working in design. Can you tell me if the SCLK should be
oscilating all the time? It's not.

SDRAM, USB, UART, PIO, ASMI, TIMERs, DMAs all working in design but having
trouble getting SPI going.

Can you have someone contact me that may help? Or at least answer my
question about the clk and offer some advice?

Ken Land
281-240-XXXX voice
Original Question:

Can't get SPI port working in design. Can you tell me if the SCLK should be
oscilating all the time? It's not.
I got SPI working with NIOS. sclk only oscillates when transferring
data. Make sure you're using the right phase setting for the chip
you're trying to talk to (you'll need to check the data sheet).


P.S. Yes, I'm not getting anything useful out of Altera web support either.
"Derek Young" <LL_mit_edu@dereky.nospam> wrote in message
Original Question:

Can't get SPI port working in design. Can you tell me if the SCLK
should be
oscilating all the time? It's not.

I got SPI working with NIOS. sclk only oscillates when transferring
data. Make sure you're using the right phase setting for the chip
you're trying to talk to (you'll need to check the data sheet).


P.S. Yes, I'm not getting anything useful out of Altera web support
Thanks Derek,

After everything else went pretty easy, I was surprised not to see my SCLK
even when writing to the device.
Double checked my pin assignments, double checked my board wiring. Any

Some background:
Nios 32 version 3.1 running at 100MHz in Cyclone
SPI is setup as Master with one SS_n talking to a ST 8Mb serial flash.
(M25P80. Similar chip to the 4 Mb ASMI config)

I've tried different clock speeds, (128 Khz - 15 MHz) with and without
delay, but still no meaningful output on the SCLK. I see activity but
nothing resembling a clock. Also tried clocking back the Nios to 60 MHz.

Is there any possible input or actions the P80 could take to cause the the
SPI clock not to function?

What would/should be the effect of operating a SPI port on unused pins?
Should it function or do I have to do something meaningful will the MISO

I've tried different clock speeds, (128 Khz - 15 MHz) with and without
delay, but still no meaningful output on the SCLK. I see activity but
nothing resembling a clock. Also tried clocking back the Nios to 60 MHz.
I could (easily) be wrong here, but I think SPI is one of several
data transfer protocols that don't use many pins. They are great
for low bandwidth setup sort of work. For example, talking to
a tiny flash chip to store parametersm ir the control path on
something like a CODEC to setup various parameters.

The "clock" does not normally run continiously. This type of
interface is often run by big-banging from software using GPIO
pins. The general idea is that you setup the data, wait a while,
and then change the clock from 0 to 1. The chip you are talking
to doesn't need a clock for internal operations. It just grabs
a data bit on the rising edge of the clock. As long as there
is plenty of setup/hold time you shouldn't have any troubles.

You can easily add hardware to do the low level part of sending
a byte and such.

Do you have good pullups? That type of system is usually open
collector/drain. (so you can hang several chips on the "bus".
part of the protocol is an address)

The mail server is located in California. So are all my
other mailboxes. Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited
commercial e-mail to my address or any of my other addresses.
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
"Kenneth Land" <kland1@neuralog1.com1> wrote in message news:<>...


What would/should be the effect of operating a SPI port on unused pins?
Should it function or do I have to do something meaningful will the MISO
Can't speak to NIOS implementation, but in general you should be able
to do SPI writes all day long to unused pins. You should be able to do
SPI reads also, just the data you'll get back will be all zeros or all ones
depending on the state of the data-in pin. SPI is not real complicated.

Hope this helps,

Welcome to

