Yamaha SPX 90 II service notes?!




Currently working on a Yamaha SPX 90 II Digital Reverb unit and would
love to have the service notes, at least

for the power supply....

Anyone have this available?

I found it for sale online but rather not pay for them unless i have



n8ball <natere2ster@gmail.com> wrote in message

Currently working on a Yamaha SPX 90 II Digital Reverb unit and would
love to have the service notes, at least

for the power supply....

Anyone have this available?

I found it for sale online but rather not pay for them unless i have



a "repair " note for a failed to repair one. I even worked out the schematic
but could not find the reason for the slightly linear ps characteristic, not
full switching, and then thermal runaway. Even tried rewinding the secondary
of a generic smps toroid and could get it reliably working but only with a
fan. There was some shorted turns in the original, presumably due to excess
heat build up, but before blowing the TOP66 chopper. In retrospect just
enough space for 2 squat linear tx and retaining the ac throughput circuitry
built onto another board

Yamaha SPX 90, 1986 , Digital Multi Effects Processor
Cold checking , have found 2 things wrong with the ps so not powered up yet
No SMPS controller IC on the ps board , a TOP66 switcher driver and 3 small
Raw + and -18V go to main board +/-15V regulators , raw 5V , ie rectifier
off the switching transformer followed by one L and one C goes straight to
the 5V TTL rail. Not even an obvious fat 5V zener across it.
No SMPS controller IC , that I can see on the main board and the 2 lines
from the main board marked PE and PC that go to the mains side of the ps via
opto isolator .
There are 15 assorted wirewound resistors on this ps , again rather odd.
If I get it working , a ventillation hole and grill cut in the top cover
would help.
It was that hand over period , 80s , when phenolic pcbs went over to
This Yamaha has polyester main board and phenolic light brown ps pcb that
has a lot of heat dark browned/brittlised? areas. Not surprising with
assorted 15 W/W plus sm driver etc with no ventilation holes anywhere.
Got it back to working to its earlier non-working condition before it was
mangled by a "repairman".
Can now see that the original problem was an 85 dec C electro that did not
like being cooked in there.
I determined the schematic for this SMPS
The 5V regulation, unlike the +/-15V, is on the ps itself, in discrete form,
consisting of 300mW zener,preset and TO92 transistor.
Working at 2/3 mains coltage but temp of the chopper transistor goes too
high, if I let it, and power consumption goes well above 20W.
Looks as though something has gone wrong with the mark/space control.
It slowly increases so the "5V" line goes 2...3V and then jumps to 5V with
equal mark/space which is presumably not necessary.
I checked there is no excessive load on the +/-18V or 5V rails despite
all functions working as far as front panel display.
To get a rough idea of the amperage capability of a small 5V SM ps
before attaching it to its load, to simulate, just in case the regulation is
It uses a TOP66 of sufficient rating to
drive a few hundred watts across but the ps is relatively low power , but
unknown rating.
The one in question is only about 20mm cube
I've fathomed out how the ps works. The 5V regulator uses only a 100mA TO92
transistor because the error is fed forward via an optocoupler to the sm
The 5V line defines the output to +/-18V as well.
The original trouble was wavering 5V, which has returned, prior to replacing
some more caps . In the broken mode if say 2.5V on the 5V o/p then only
+/-10V on the unloaded +/-18V lines.
Scaling linearly, an at hand 70 W smps, with its 45mm cube transformer.
I would estimate volume for vol then this one with 20mm cube would be about
6W total. Allowing 1W for the few op-amp supplies and 2 relays then only 1
amp at 5V, its suppling 30 odd 74HC and 3 LSI.
When operating properly the oscillation is about 59 KHz with equal
mark/space ratio,
when at half-cock then about 40KHz short mark/ space
The consumption plate states 20W, assuming average SMPS 70 percent
efficiency then 14W at DC.
uses 2SC2792, 2SC2634 /2034?, 68uF/400V, 2x 1R FR
3 x 100K w/w ,6.8,2x 68K,22,2x 330, 2x 120K, 6.8, 1.5, 22, 27
2 fuses marked micron63 FN191R0J
6.8,100R on main board
The second optocoupler is the other way round.
Feeding rectified but unsmoothed mains signal info to the main board.
Phase info for mains hum/noise reduction?
6.2V zener on ps for 5V regulation section.
In working order but short duration of 65 percent mains
load was 85mA on -18V line, 128mA on +18V, and 360mA on 5V
so 5.6W (placing 0.5Rs and 0Rs between plugs and sockets)
At 70 percent mains was getting 2.5V on '5V' and -10.5V on '18V' slowly
building up to 5V, feeds forward via pc1.
Replaced main chopper transistor, D1207, 2x6,8 to 12R, 2x 330 to 2x1000, 22
to 68
and 1.2K 1/3 watt setting chopper bias to 390R and unnecessarily replaced
PC511 just
in case.

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
On Feb 7, 3:48 am, "N_Cook" <dive...@tcp.co.uk> wrote:
n8ball <natere2s...@gmail.com> wrote in message



Currently  working on a Yamaha SPX 90 II Digital Reverb unit and would
love to have the service notes, at least

for the power supply....

Anyone have this available?

I found it for sale online but rather not pay for them unless i have




a "repair " note for a failed to repair one. I even worked out the schematic
but could not find the reason for the slightly linear ps characteristic, not
full switching, and then thermal runaway. Even tried rewinding the secondary
of a generic smps toroid and could get it reliably working but only with a
fan. There was some shorted turns in the original, presumably due to excess
heat build up, but before blowing the TOP66 chopper. In retrospect just
enough space for 2 squat linear tx and retaining the ac throughput circuitry
built onto another board

Yamaha SPX 90, 1986 , Digital Multi Effects Processor
Cold checking , have found 2 things wrong with the ps so not powered up yet
No SMPS controller IC on the ps board , a TOP66 switcher driver and 3 small
Raw + and -18V go to main board +/-15V regulators , raw 5V , ie rectifier
off the switching transformer followed by one L and one C goes straight to
the 5V TTL rail. Not even an obvious fat 5V zener across it.
No SMPS controller IC , that I can see on the main board and the 2 lines
from the main board marked PE and PC that go to the mains side of the ps via
opto isolator .
There are 15 assorted wirewound resistors on this ps , again rather odd.
If I get it working , a ventillation hole and grill cut in the top cover
would help.
It was that hand over period ,  80s , when phenolic pcbs went over to
This Yamaha has polyester main board and phenolic light brown ps pcb that
has a lot of heat dark browned/brittlised? areas. Not surprising with
assorted 15 W/W plus sm driver etc with no ventilation holes anywhere.
Got it back to working to its earlier non-working condition before it was
mangled by a "repairman".
Can now see that the original problem was an 85 dec C electro that did not
like being cooked in there.
I determined the schematic for this SMPS
The 5V regulation, unlike the +/-15V, is on the ps itself, in discrete form,
consisting of 300mW zener,preset and TO92 transistor.
Working at 2/3 mains coltage but temp of the chopper transistor goes too
high, if I let it, and power consumption goes well above 20W.
Looks as though something has gone wrong with the mark/space control.
It slowly increases so the "5V" line goes 2...3V and then jumps to 5V with
equal mark/space which is presumably not necessary.
I checked there is no excessive load on the +/-18V or 5V rails despite
all functions working as far as front panel display.
To get a rough idea of the amperage capability of a small 5V SM ps
before attaching it to its load, to simulate, just in case the regulation is
 It uses a TOP66 of sufficient rating to
drive a few hundred watts across but the ps is relatively low power , but
unknown rating.
The one in question is only about 20mm cube
I've fathomed out how the ps works. The 5V regulator uses only a 100mA TO92
transistor because the error is fed forward via an optocoupler to the sm
The 5V line defines the output to +/-18V as well.
The original trouble was wavering 5V, which has returned, prior to replacing
some more caps . In the broken mode if say 2.5V on the 5V o/p then only
+/-10V on the unloaded +/-18V lines.
Scaling linearly, an at hand 70 W  smps, with its 45mm cube transformer..
I would estimate volume for vol then this one with 20mm cube would be about
6W total. Allowing 1W for the few op-amp supplies and 2 relays then only 1
amp at 5V, its suppling 30 odd 74HC and 3 LSI.
When operating properly the oscillation is about 59 KHz with equal
mark/space ratio,
when at half-cock then about 40KHz short mark/ space
The consumption plate states 20W, assuming average SMPS 70 percent
efficiency then 14W at DC.
uses 2SC2792, 2SC2634 /2034?, 68uF/400V, 2x 1R FR
3 x 100K w/w ,6.8,2x 68K,22,2x 330, 2x 120K, 6.8, 1.5, 22, 27
2 fuses marked micron63 FN191R0J
6.8,100R on main board
The second optocoupler is the other way round.
Feeding rectified but unsmoothed mains signal info to the main board.
Phase info for mains hum/noise reduction?
6.2V zener on ps for 5V regulation section.
In working order but short duration of 65 percent mains
load was 85mA on -18V line, 128mA on +18V, and 360mA on 5V
so 5.6W (placing 0.5Rs and 0Rs between plugs and sockets)
At 70 percent mains was getting 2.5V on '5V' and -10.5V on '18V' slowly
building up to 5V, feeds forward via pc1.
Replaced main chopper transistor, D1207, 2x6,8 to 12R, 2x 330 to 2x1000, 22
to 68
and 1.2K 1/3 watt setting chopper bias to 390R and unnecessarily replaced
PC511 just
in case.

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list onhttp://home.graffiti.net/diverse:graffiti.net/
do you have the schematics that you worked out...

I found a site that explains the different switched mode power supply
designs (AC filtered and rectified to DC then back to high frequency


which design is in the yamaha spx? I replaced the large cap (which
was blown it was bulged out on the top) and the other caps on the
"secondary side"

I dont get anything on the power connectors

what else is prone to failure? what should i check next? the AC
goes to a fuse, switch, and them to L1/L2 with 4 caps (i assume this
is the voltage being dropped and filtered....what is that transistor
with the heat sink for....voltage regulator?



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