David Farber
This Yamaha MOXF8 keyboard has one note that plays too loud when more than
the slightest of pushes is given. I moved the keypad underneath to a
diffenerent octave and the problem followed the keypad. In other words, the
note that was too loud, switched to the same note but in a different octave.
I can't see anything visually wrong with the keypad contacts. There are two
pc contacts per note. One rubber keypad contact opposite the pc contact
extends just a hair more than its adjacent rubber keypad contact. How does
this translate into detecting how loud to play a note and how do you think
this relates to the note that is too loud?
Thanks for your reply.
David Farber
Los Osos, CA
the slightest of pushes is given. I moved the keypad underneath to a
diffenerent octave and the problem followed the keypad. In other words, the
note that was too loud, switched to the same note but in a different octave.
I can't see anything visually wrong with the keypad contacts. There are two
pc contacts per note. One rubber keypad contact opposite the pc contact
extends just a hair more than its adjacent rubber keypad contact. How does
this translate into detecting how loud to play a note and how do you think
this relates to the note that is too loud?
Thanks for your reply.
David Farber
Los Osos, CA