As far as I can tell this is the basic form to the power amp - what class is
it? and in general terms the operational bounds of the biasing, a lot of
diodes? seem to be involved.
Equi-spaced font needed for this ASCII, maybe properties/mesage details or
copied into text handler with "Terminal ","Fixedsys" font or similar
(only 2 emitter resistors, on two central Tr and chokes in the other emitter
commoned connections, all left out in the below )
---------------------- + rail
| |
|/ \|
-| |-
|> <|
| |
|--------| all 2SD2560
|---------- O/P
|--|----| all 2SA1647
| |
|< >|
-| |-
|\ /|
| |
--------------------- - rail
it? and in general terms the operational bounds of the biasing, a lot of
diodes? seem to be involved.
Equi-spaced font needed for this ASCII, maybe properties/mesage details or
copied into text handler with "Terminal ","Fixedsys" font or similar
(only 2 emitter resistors, on two central Tr and chokes in the other emitter
commoned connections, all left out in the below )
---------------------- + rail
| |
|/ \|
-| |-
|> <|
| |
|--------| all 2SD2560
|---------- O/P
|--|----| all 2SA1647
| |
|< >|
-| |-
|\ /|
| |
--------------------- - rail