Lately when I try to record onto a new DVD+R, the machine freezes up on me
after about 5-10 seconds, shuts off and switches the tuner the Ch. 2. The
digital display shows "DB 7FC56742." This used to happen occasionally, but
lately has become an ongoing problem. I've tried different discs, the
diagnostic program (always passes it), and unplugging and re-connecting the
DVD recorder, but tonight nothing seems to help. Has anyone had similar
experiences, or have any insight into the problem?
Thanks - D.W.
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after about 5-10 seconds, shuts off and switches the tuner the Ch. 2. The
digital display shows "DB 7FC56742." This used to happen occasionally, but
lately has become an ongoing problem. I've tried different discs, the
diagnostic program (always passes it), and unplugging and re-connecting the
DVD recorder, but tonight nothing seems to help. Has anyone had similar
experiences, or have any insight into the problem?
Thanks - D.W.
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http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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