I have got a Yamaha EMX2000 in that had a fried channel.
Replaced all the outputs, then found a dam diode shorted.
I don't have the print yet, so would like a ID on the diode
if anyone has a service manual. Its on the main amp board,
position D220. It says on the diode:
It has a brown stripe on the end. Its fat like a 1 watter.
Ideas? Tried the NTE book, but no direct hits.
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Replaced all the outputs, then found a dam diode shorted.
I don't have the print yet, so would like a ID on the diode
if anyone has a service manual. Its on the main amp board,
position D220. It says on the diode:
It has a brown stripe on the end. Its fat like a 1 watter.
Ideas? Tried the NTE book, but no direct hits.
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