Pablo Bleyer Kocik
I know this has been asked a zillion times before, but I want to know
if it is currently possible to initialize inferred Block RAM using
Verilog in XST, like it is possible to do using VHDL. Else, are there
plans to include this feature anytime soon?
Best regards.
-- /"However, what if it does matter, and we are
PabloBleyerKocik / missing something fundamental that could
pbleyer2004 / change the way we see the world?"
@embedded.cl / -- One Little Wrong Assumption, Darren Ashby
I know this has been asked a zillion times before, but I want to know
if it is currently possible to initialize inferred Block RAM using
Verilog in XST, like it is possible to do using VHDL. Else, are there
plans to include this feature anytime soon?
Best regards.
-- /"However, what if it does matter, and we are
PabloBleyerKocik / missing something fundamental that could
pbleyer2004 / change the way we see the world?"
@embedded.cl / -- One Little Wrong Assumption, Darren Ashby