Xilinx User
After waiting patiently for Xilinx to support always @* properly, I'm still
having problem with this code:
localparam integer D_W = 32;
localparam integer DEPTH = 512;
reg [D_W-1:0] memory [0EPTH-1];
reg [DEPTH-1:0] memory_or;
always @* begin
for ( i = 0; i < DEPTH; i = i + 1 ) begin
memory_or[ i ] = | memory[ i ]; // is any bit high?
end // always @*
"unexpected event in sensitivity-list of always block."
Same code synthesizes fine in Altera Quartus-II 7.1 Web Edition.
For the case I show above, I can workaround it using a
generate-loop, and a bunch of assign statements...but there are
other code-blocks which I can't easily workaround.
having problem with this code:
localparam integer D_W = 32;
localparam integer DEPTH = 512;
reg [D_W-1:0] memory [0EPTH-1];
reg [DEPTH-1:0] memory_or;
always @* begin
for ( i = 0; i < DEPTH; i = i + 1 ) begin
memory_or[ i ] = | memory[ i ]; // is any bit high?
end // always @*
"unexpected event in sensitivity-list of always block."
Same code synthesizes fine in Altera Quartus-II 7.1 Web Edition.
For the case I show above, I can workaround it using a
generate-loop, and a bunch of assign statements...but there are
other code-blocks which I can't easily workaround.