Xilinx User
Through a lot of bumbling in Webpack 9.1i.03, I found that my
state-machi\nes don't synthesize properly if I use the casez statement:
module x(
input wire [1:0] ps,
output reg [1:0] ns
localparam [2:0] STATE_1 = 3'd0,
STATE_2 = 3'd1,
STATE_3 = 3'd2,
STATE_4 = 3'd3;
always @* begin : state_machine
case ( ps )
STATE_1: ns = STATE_2;
STATE_2: ns = STATE_3;
STATE_3: ns = STATE_4;
STATE_4: ns = STATE_1;
'hz : ns = STATE_1; // <- all other values default to here
default : ns = 'hX; // <- Simulation-only, trap 'X's on ps[2:0]
endcase // ps
XST completely optimizes out my logic!
"Slice Usage: 0" ?!?!
(For those wondering, 'casez' is a coding-trick to get Verilog-simulations
propagate 'X's through the state-machine. For synthesis, the 'hZ forces
all unused encodings/values to default to the known 'STATE_1', instead of
just leaving up to the tool to randomly optimize it.)
Now, I can switch back to using a traditional case() statement, but then I
sacrifice the simulation-X behavior.
Anybody else see this behavior with casez? Is it time to file a bug-report?
state-machi\nes don't synthesize properly if I use the casez statement:
module x(
input wire [1:0] ps,
output reg [1:0] ns
localparam [2:0] STATE_1 = 3'd0,
STATE_2 = 3'd1,
STATE_3 = 3'd2,
STATE_4 = 3'd3;
always @* begin : state_machine
case ( ps )
STATE_1: ns = STATE_2;
STATE_2: ns = STATE_3;
STATE_3: ns = STATE_4;
STATE_4: ns = STATE_1;
'hz : ns = STATE_1; // <- all other values default to here
default : ns = 'hX; // <- Simulation-only, trap 'X's on ps[2:0]
endcase // ps
XST completely optimizes out my logic!
"Slice Usage: 0" ?!?!
(For those wondering, 'casez' is a coding-trick to get Verilog-simulations
propagate 'X's through the state-machine. For synthesis, the 'hZ forces
all unused encodings/values to default to the known 'STATE_1', instead of
just leaving up to the tool to randomly optimize it.)
Now, I can switch back to using a traditional case() statement, but then I
sacrifice the simulation-X behavior.
Anybody else see this behavior with casez? Is it time to file a bug-report?