following situation:
I have a board with a 10MHz oscillator which supplies a microcontroller and a spartan3e.
The spartan uses a DCM to generate 50MHz for a global clock.
The Controller has also a PLL to generate 50Mhz internal.
Both, the controller and the spartan are connected over a parallel bus, the bus interface has a
clock output (configured to 50MHz, permanently on).
These clock signal is connected to a LHCLK input of the spartan.
The simplest way for me would be to use the supplied bus clock at LHCLK-Pin as global clock for my
design, but I get warnings when I try this.
I can't feed a DCM with a LHCLK signal, at least I wasn't able to do this.
Because the clocks have the same source, I could try to synchronize them.
I tried to use the bus clock as feedback for the DCM, but when I Try this
I get errormessages like "Place:1012 - A clock IOB / DCM component pair have been found that are not
placed at an optimal clock IOB / DCM site pair."
Another solution I think about is to use the bus clock to feed the bus-interface and then building a
fifo for clock domain crossing, but this is more complex.
Any suggestion what would be the best way to solve this problem?
following situation:
I have a board with a 10MHz oscillator which supplies a microcontroller and a spartan3e.
The spartan uses a DCM to generate 50MHz for a global clock.
The Controller has also a PLL to generate 50Mhz internal.
Both, the controller and the spartan are connected over a parallel bus, the bus interface has a
clock output (configured to 50MHz, permanently on).
These clock signal is connected to a LHCLK input of the spartan.
The simplest way for me would be to use the supplied bus clock at LHCLK-Pin as global clock for my
design, but I get warnings when I try this.
I can't feed a DCM with a LHCLK signal, at least I wasn't able to do this.
Because the clocks have the same source, I could try to synchronize them.
I tried to use the bus clock as feedback for the DCM, but when I Try this
I get errormessages like "Place:1012 - A clock IOB / DCM component pair have been found that are not
placed at an optimal clock IOB / DCM site pair."
Another solution I think about is to use the bus clock to feed the bus-interface and then building a
fifo for clock domain crossing, but this is more complex.
Any suggestion what would be the best way to solve this problem?