Xilinx Spartan II pull-up, simple questions



Looking at the mode selection M2 on the SII devices in Xilinx document
DS-001_2, table 8, I wonder if the M2 for master mode is correct? It
seems to match the rest of the data sheet, but I would have thought
the the pullups would always follow the M2 pin and this is the only
mode where it does not.

On the SII, there is no mention of allowing for a weak pullup on the
global clock lines. Interesting enough that using the 6.x tools and
placing the following in the constraints:

NET "p_pclock" LOC = "P88" | IOSTANDARD = LVTTL | PULLUP ;

I get the following message from project manager during place and

Annotating constraints to design from file "main.ucf" ...
Attached a PULLUP primitive to pad net p_pclock

If I look at the FPGA editor at pin 88 after place and route, there is
no dialog box to allow for pullups, etc, like there are with a
standard I/O. So, I would have to guess that in the actual device
there was no pullup added. Can someone at Xilinx confirm this?

The M2 does "change its polarity" for pullup control in Master Serial
mode. The Mode pin settings were selected to maintain consistency with
earlier families, where for example "000" would select Master Serial and
"111" would select Slave Serial. The Mode pins should be considered as a
group, and not as individual functions, to avoid confusion.

The Spartan-II data sheet does mention on p2 that there are no pull-ups on
the global clock pins, as you confirmed in the FPGA Editor.

lecroy wrote:

Looking at the mode selection M2 on the SII devices in Xilinx document
DS-001_2, table 8, I wonder if the M2 for master mode is correct? It
seems to match the rest of the data sheet, but I would have thought
the the pullups would always follow the M2 pin and this is the only
mode where it does not.

On the SII, there is no mention of allowing for a weak pullup on the
global clock lines. Interesting enough that using the 6.x tools and
placing the following in the constraints:

NET "p_pclock" LOC = "P88" | IOSTANDARD = LVTTL | PULLUP ;

I get the following message from project manager during place and

Annotating constraints to design from file "main.ucf" ...
Attached a PULLUP primitive to pad net p_pclock

If I look at the FPGA editor at pin 88 after place and route, there is
no dialog box to allow for pullups, etc, like there are with a
standard I/O. So, I would have to guess that in the actual device
there was no pullup added. Can someone at Xilinx confirm this?

Marc Baker
Xilinx Applications
(408) 879-5375

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