Xilinx Slice and Altera ...?




Sorry to bother the group with something I really should have been able to
figure out myself, but I'm sort of pressed for time, so I hope you bear with

I have some (limited) knowledge of the (modern) Xilinx Virtex 'Slice', and
how it is constructed, so to speak. But how similar is the Altera FPGAs'
building blocks, and what are they called?

Oh, and how, if at all, similar are the two?
Panic wrote:

Sorry to bother the group with something I really should have been able to
figure out myself, but I'm sort of pressed for time, so I hope you bear with

I have some (limited) knowledge of the (modern) Xilinx Virtex 'Slice', and
how it is constructed, so to speak. But how similar is the Altera FPGAs'
building blocks, and what are they called?

Oh, and how, if at all, similar are the two?
I find it a bit difficult to learn all the ins and outs of each
companies differnt products, so I don't blame you for asking here. But
check with the data sheets to really understand it all.

The Xilinx slice is composed of a pair of LUTs, a pair of FFs, carry
chain and some other misc logic to optimize 5 input functions and other
similar operations. There are different numbers of slices to a CLB
depending on the family, 1, 2 or 4 slices.

Altera calls a LUT plus FF an LE. LEs are grouped into Logic Array
Blocks (LABs) of 8 or 10 LEs depending on the family. There are two
chains within a LAB, a fast carry like the Xilinx also a "Cascade" chain
for doing large functions. This is similar to the way Xilinx can
combine LUTs within a CLB, but runs the length of the LAB and implements
a very fast, two input AND gate at each LUT output.

You can analyze the differences on paper all day, and you still won't
know how your design will do in either family of parts. The best thing
to do is to write your HDL to be generic and see how it fits.


Rick "rickman" Collins

Ignore the reply address. To email me use the above address with the XY

Arius - A Signal Processing Solutions Company
Specializing in DSP and FPGA design URL http://www.arius.com
4 King Ave 301-682-7772 Voice
Frederick, MD 21701-3110 301-682-7666 FAX
"rickman" <spamgoeshere4@yahoo.com> wrote [......]

Thanks a lot!

You can analyze the differences on paper all day, and you still won't
know how your design will do in either family of parts. The best thing
to do is to write your HDL to be generic and see how it fits.
Sure, and normally I would. But I've studied a paper written by
François-Xavier Standaert, where he and some other reasearchers optimizes a
implementation of the Rijndael algorithm to better match the Xilinx slice.
And the results are impressive!

So I wanted to try and figure out how I could transfer such a design
strategy to the Altera-FPGA I am working on (EPXA1F484C1). But in order to
do that, I need to understand how I can make the different stages fit in
Alteras slice-equivalent :p

I will try and grab a detailed data sheet from Alteras website, allthough I
have downloaded all the documentation marked for EPXA1, and haven't seen
anything like it in there. But I suppose that if I search for LC or LAB
layout or something similar, I will eventually find it :)

Panic wrote:
"rickman" <spamgoeshere4@yahoo.com> wrote [......]

Thanks a lot!

You can analyze the differences on paper all day, and you still won't
know how your design will do in either family of parts. The best thing
to do is to write your HDL to be generic and see how it fits.

Sure, and normally I would. But I've studied a paper written by
François-Xavier Standaert, where he and some other reasearchers optimizes a
implementation of the Rijndael algorithm to better match the Xilinx slice.
And the results are impressive!

So I wanted to try and figure out how I could transfer such a design
strategy to the Altera-FPGA I am working on (EPXA1F484C1). But in order to
do that, I need to understand how I can make the different stages fit in
Alteras slice-equivalent :p

I will try and grab a detailed data sheet from Alteras website, allthough I
have downloaded all the documentation marked for EPXA1, and haven't seen
anything like it in there. But I suppose that if I search for LC or LAB
layout or something similar, I will eventually find it :)
I understand. The data sheet is just a start in learning about
optimizing a design. The routing is also important which is not
described. What aspect are you trying to optimize? Speed, size? What
Xilinx CLB features did they optimize for? There are only a few
significant differences in the two brands, but they can be *very*
significant depending on the design. Just ask Ray Andraka.

BTW, do you have the part number scrambed? Alteras part numbers are
mostly EPxy where x is a number and letter and denotes the product line
line while y is a number indicating the size. Example, EP2A40 is an
APEX II at 3 million gates.


Rick "rickman" Collins

Ignore the reply address. To email me use the above address with the XY

Arius - A Signal Processing Solutions Company
Specializing in DSP and FPGA design URL http://www.arius.com
4 King Ave 301-682-7772 Voice
Frederick, MD 21701-3110 301-682-7666 FAX
rickman wrote:
Panic wrote:

"rickman" <spamgoeshere4@yahoo.com> wrote [......]

Thanks a lot!

You can analyze the differences on paper all day, and you still won't
know how your design will do in either family of parts. The best thing
to do is to write your HDL to be generic and see how it fits.

Sure, and normally I would. But I've studied a paper written by
François-Xavier Standaert, where he and some other reasearchers optimizes a
implementation of the Rijndael algorithm to better match the Xilinx slice.
And the results are impressive!

So I wanted to try and figure out how I could transfer such a design
strategy to the Altera-FPGA I am working on (EPXA1F484C1). But in order to
do that, I need to understand how I can make the different stages fit in
Alteras slice-equivalent :p

I will try and grab a detailed data sheet from Alteras website, allthough I
have downloaded all the documentation marked for EPXA1, and haven't seen
anything like it in there. But I suppose that if I search for LC or LAB
layout or something similar, I will eventually find it :)

I understand. The data sheet is just a start in learning about
optimizing a design. The routing is also important which is not
described. What aspect are you trying to optimize? Speed, size? What
Xilinx CLB features did they optimize for? There are only a few
significant differences in the two brands, but they can be *very*
significant depending on the design. Just ask Ray Andraka.

BTW, do you have the part number scrambed? Alteras part numbers are
mostly EPxy where x is a number and letter and denotes the product line
line while y is a number indicating the size. Example, EP2A40 is an
APEX II at 3 million gates.
Opps, nevermind to this last part. I searched on the Altera site and
found that this is an Excalabur part with built in ARM CPU. I did not
have this one on my hard drive. The architecture of the LABs is the
same as the APEX 20KE. Download that data sheet and you should find
what you are looking for.


Rick "rickman" Collins

Ignore the reply address. To email me use the above address with the XY

Arius - A Signal Processing Solutions Company
Specializing in DSP and FPGA design URL http://www.arius.com
4 King Ave 301-682-7772 Voice
Frederick, MD 21701-3110 301-682-7666 FAX
"rickman" <spamgoeshere4@yahoo.com> wrote

Opps, nevermind to this last part. I searched on the Altera site and
found that this is an Excalabur part with built in ARM CPU. I did not
have this one on my hard drive. The architecture of the LABs is the
same as the APEX 20KE. Download that data sheet and you should find
what you are looking for.
I'll do that. Thanks a lot :)
rickman wrote:

You can analyze the differences on paper all day, and you still won't
know how your design will do in either family of parts. The best thing
to do is to write your HDL to be generic and see how it fits.
Well said.

Working generic synth code cuts through
technobabble like a knife. It tests
the tools and the device from front to back
and provides utilization and fmax benchmarks
that you just can't get any other way.

That said, I have noticed that Altera's
ep1s series is much more Xilinx-like than

-- Mike Treseler
BTW, do you have the part number scrambed? Alteras part numbers are
mostly EPxy where x is a number and letter and denotes the product line
line while y is a number indicating the size. Example, EP2A40 is an
APEX II at 3 million gates.

Altera's part numbering changed after Apex to give a rough estimate of
LE count (LE count * 1000 actually), rather than an ASIC-like gate
count (i.e., 20K200E = Apex 20KE family, ~200K gates). That 20K200E
apex chip had ~8k LEs... a similar-sized (well, a little larger)
device in terms of LE count is the Stratix 1S10 -- 1S meaning the
family, (Stratix 1st edition), and 10 meaning ~10K LEs in the device.
So, a 1S40 has about 40,000 LEs, and a Cyclone 1C6 has about 6,000
LEs, and so forth.

The device Mr(s). Panic refers to is the Excalibur XA1, where XA is
the family name "for Excalibur Arm". The family has EPXA1, XA4, and
XA10 devices, where the number is related to gate count (gate count /
100K). The XA1 is sort of like the 20K100E, but with the ARM CPU
aboard. The Excalibur family is based on the Apex 20KE FPGA fabric,
and thus the gate count terminology was still used.

Anyways, even though I work here I am very happy we number the parts
now with respect to the number of logic elements inside. Nice and

Jesse Kempa
Altera Corp.
jkempa at altera dot com
Jesse Kempa wrote:
BTW, do you have the part number scrambed? Alteras part numbers are
mostly EPxy where x is a number and letter and denotes the product line
line while y is a number indicating the size. Example, EP2A40 is an
APEX II at 3 million gates.


Altera's part numbering changed after Apex to give a rough estimate of
LE count (LE count * 1000 actually), rather than an ASIC-like gate
count (i.e., 20K200E = Apex 20KE family, ~200K gates). That 20K200E
apex chip had ~8k LEs... a similar-sized (well, a little larger)
device in terms of LE count is the Stratix 1S10 -- 1S meaning the
family, (Stratix 1st edition), and 10 meaning ~10K LEs in the device.
So, a 1S40 has about 40,000 LEs, and a Cyclone 1C6 has about 6,000
LEs, and so forth.

The device Mr(s). Panic refers to is the Excalibur XA1, where XA is
the family name "for Excalibur Arm". The family has EPXA1, XA4, and
XA10 devices, where the number is related to gate count (gate count /
100K). The XA1 is sort of like the 20K100E, but with the ARM CPU
aboard. The Excalibur family is based on the Apex 20KE FPGA fabric,
and thus the gate count terminology was still used.

Anyways, even though I work here I am very happy we number the parts
now with respect to the number of logic elements inside. Nice and

Jesse Kempa
Altera Corp.
jkempa at altera dot com
As long as I have the attention of someone from Altera, let me make an
observation about the Excalibur parts.

This is a part that I could use on my current board since I have an ARM
MCU along with an FPGA in direct connection using the same power
supplies. Having only a single package would save me board space (in
theory) and being on a single chip should save me power and cost (again
in theory). I am currently looking at power consumption of about 100 to
300 mW (won't know for sure until it is built) and the combination will
cost me about $30.

Your smallest Excalibur, as you say, is the EPXA1. It comes in a 484
pin package (23 x 23 mm), costs over $100 and will use Watts, not
mWatts. Unfortunatly this is way too much chip in every respect and
since it is not 5 volt tolerant, I would have to add buffering taking up
any board space I might save.

Is there any plans for a lower end combination of 50 MHz ARM 7 perhaps
with FPGA in a reasonably sized package with a lower power curve? Even
if 5 volt tolerance is not an option, such a part with a reasonable
price tag could save lots of space on a board. To be honest, I just
can't see paying triple the price for a combined part especially when it
still requires an external Flash which is included with an ARM MCU.


Rick "rickman" Collins

Ignore the reply address. To email me use the above address with the XY

Arius - A Signal Processing Solutions Company
Specializing in DSP and FPGA design URL http://www.arius.com
4 King Ave 301-682-7772 Voice
Frederick, MD 21701-3110 301-682-7666 FAX
"Jesse Kempa" <kempaj@yahoo.com> wrote
Hehe. I might be a bit on the feminine side, but I'm not a full blown woman.
Yet anyway :p

Hmmm. You wouldn't happen to know of some documents that would answer my
question (OP)? Working "over there" and all...?

Not necessarily. The RTL coding can strongly bias a designs suitability to a
particular architecture. This situation has improved slightly in the latest
generations because the architructures are starting to look more like one
another, but still the architecture of your design heavily influences how
that design maps into the underlying FPGA architecture. A not so obvious
example concerns arithmetic. The altera structure reduces the logic to 2
input arithmetic with an added add/subtract control where the Xilinx
architecture leaves you with a 4 input arithmetic function, making it treat
things like mux-add functions a bit differently.

Mike Treseler wrote:

rickman wrote:

You can analyze the differences on paper all day, and you still won't
know how your design will do in either family of parts. The best thing
to do is to write your HDL to be generic and see how it fits.

Well said.

Working generic synth code cuts through
technobabble like a knife. It tests
the tools and the device from front to back
and provides utilization and fmax benchmarks
that you just can't get any other way.

That said, I have noticed that Altera's
ep1s series is much more Xilinx-like than

-- Mike Treseler
--Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930 Fax 401/884-7950
email ray@andraka.com

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