Xilinx IOSTANDARD for PCI-X 100MHz interface


Nahum Barnea


I am designing PCI-X interface on Xilinx virtex2 pro with 100 MHz frequency.

What IOSTANDARD should I use in the .ucf file ?

I see only PCI33_3 and PCI66_3 in Xilinx litrature as "PCI" I/O's.

If you are using Xilinx PCI-X LogiCORE, all the constraints are defined in
core's UCF file and the wrapper files instantiate PCIX buffers. So you don't
need to add any IOSTANDARD constraint in UCF file.

PCIX IO buffers are listed in docs @


Nahum Barnea wrote:


I am designing PCI-X interface on Xilinx virtex2 pro with 100 MHz frequency.

What IOSTANDARD should I use in the .ucf file ?

I see only PCI33_3 and PCI66_3 in Xilinx litrature as "PCI" I/O's.

I'm looking at table 2-62 on p.331 of my 2VP databook that lists PCI33_3,
PCI66_3, and PCIX I/O specs. Maybe you were searching for PCI-X instead of PCIX.

Nahum Barnea wrote:

I am designing PCI-X interface on Xilinx virtex2 pro with 100 MHz frequency.

What IOSTANDARD should I use in the .ucf file ?

I see only PCI33_3 and PCI66_3 in Xilinx litrature as "PCI" I/O's.

You are right, I am searching for PCI-X (i.e NOT PCI express).

Mark Schellhorn <mark@seawaynetworks.com> wrote in message news:<eqmEb.17753$CK3.1555241@news20.bellglobal.com>...
I'm looking at table 2-62 on p.331 of my 2VP databook that lists PCI33_3,
PCI66_3, and PCIX I/O specs. Maybe you were searching for PCI-X instead of PCIX.

Nahum Barnea wrote:

I am designing PCI-X interface on Xilinx virtex2 pro with 100 MHz frequency.

What IOSTANDARD should I use in the .ucf file ?

I see only PCI33_3 and PCI66_3 in Xilinx litrature as "PCI" I/O's.


Some additional information that may help:

Virtex-E has a PCIX66_3 SelectIO mode, which is useful
for PCI-X implementations at 66 MHz. It is not meant
for use at 133 MHz.

Virtex2 and Virtex2Pro have a PCIX SelectIO mode, which
is useful for both 66 MHz PCI-X and 133 MHz PCI-X.

Whichever you use, keep in mind all the I/O has to be
registered in the IOBs. You will also need to use a

If you look in the *_lc*x files that come with the Xilinx
PCIX core, you will see they already use the PCIX standard
for primitive names, i.e., IBUF_PCIX, etc.
We have done it this way. I am told that the "way of the
future" is to just use IBUFs, etc... and use IO standard
constraints in the UCF. Both work.

Thanks for the plug for our PCI and PCI-X cores. I also
believe if you buy this kind of IP from a reputable vendor
(of which there are more than one) at sub-$20K pricing,
you are saving yourself a lot of time and money.

If you look in the *_lc*x files that come with the Xilinx PCIX core, you
will see they already use the PCIX standard for primitive names, i.e.,
IBUF_PCIX, etc. If you're planning to write your own PCIX core, don't
bother. Just spend the $15k (talk them down from $18k.) That would be the
equivelant of two months for two good developers. I know some developers
that could do it that fast, but none of those will work for that cheap.

"Nahum Barnea" <nahum_barnea@yahoo.com> wrote in message
You are right, I am searching for PCI-X (i.e NOT PCI express).
That statement really concerned me: PCIX doesn't have anything to do with
PCI Express.

Mark Schellhorn <mark@seawaynetworks.com> wrote in message
I'm looking at table 2-62 on p.331 of my 2VP databook that lists
PCI66_3, and PCIX I/O specs. Maybe you were searching for PCI-X instead
of PCIX.

Nahum Barnea wrote:

I am designing PCI-X interface on Xilinx virtex2 pro with 100 MHz

What IOSTANDARD should I use in the .ucf file ?

I see only PCI33_3 and PCI66_3 in Xilinx litrature as "PCI" I/O's.


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