Xilinx: infering dual port ROM in VHDL




im having trouble infering a dual port ROM with xilinx ISE 5.2i. I can
infer dual port RAM, but i need it to be ROM in order to have it
initialised. does anybody know how to do it? i've been searching the
web and xilinx website, but i havent seen how to infer a dual port
ROM, only regular ROM, but i need to do two read access (and given
that the ROMs will be implemented in BlockRAM, it'd be a waste if i
had to use two cycles to read from dual port capable BlockRAMs)
i'd like the approach to be VHDL, cause it seems that you can do it
with Coregen?? but i want it to be VHDL cause the ROM generation has
to automatic (thru a C program that generates VHDL code)
comments are welcome, TIA
It does not have to be ROM to be initialised. I usually use constraints
editor or go directly to the ucf file to set the RAM/ROM initial values. The
blockram can be considered as writeable ROM that simply isn't written.
Usually I tie off the write enable to the inactive state if it really
matters but more often being able to split the blockram into a combination
of RAM and pseudo ROM is more useful to me.

John Adair
Enterpoint Ltd. - Home of Broaddown2. The Ultimate Spartan3 Development

This message is the personal opinion of the sender and not that necessarily
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facts. No responsibility for error or inaccuracy is accepted.

"sebastian" <malaka@email.it> wrote in message

im having trouble infering a dual port ROM with xilinx ISE 5.2i. I can
infer dual port RAM, but i need it to be ROM in order to have it
initialised. does anybody know how to do it? i've been searching the
web and xilinx website, but i havent seen how to infer a dual port
ROM, only regular ROM, but i need to do two read access (and given
that the ROMs will be implemented in BlockRAM, it'd be a waste if i
had to use two cycles to read from dual port capable BlockRAMs)
i'd like the approach to be VHDL, cause it seems that you can do it
with Coregen?? but i want it to be VHDL cause the ROM generation has
to automatic (thru a C program that generates VHDL code)
comments are welcome, TIA
Inference doesn't work for this case on any tool that i am aware of. You
can instantiate dual port RAMs, initialize them with the init=attributes
and generics (latest synplify generates the attributes from the generic).
For ROM, just tie the write enables to '0'.

sebastian wrote:


im having trouble infering a dual port ROM with xilinx ISE 5.2i. I can
infer dual port RAM, but i need it to be ROM in order to have it
initialised. does anybody know how to do it? i've been searching the
web and xilinx website, but i havent seen how to infer a dual port
ROM, only regular ROM, but i need to do two read access (and given
that the ROMs will be implemented in BlockRAM, it'd be a waste if i
had to use two cycles to read from dual port capable BlockRAMs)
i'd like the approach to be VHDL, cause it seems that you can do it
with Coregen?? but i want it to be VHDL cause the ROM generation has
to automatic (thru a C program that generates VHDL code)
comments are welcome, TIA
--Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930 Fax 401/884-7950
email ray@andraka.com

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