I am using the Xilinx EDK to perform simulations of the embedded
PowerPC on a V2Pro. I have had success using simply the EDK with
Modelsim but when I change the flow to the ISE as an embedded project-
I am having trouble getting the boot ROM to be read in as a
configuration in Modelsim.
The trouble has to do with assigning the blockRAM configurations to
the blockmemories once I wrapped the system_stub in a testbench. I
was able to get this all to work with ISE when I did not embed the
processor, but once it is embedded- the blockRAM moves a level down in
the heirarchy and then the configuration statement does not compile.
My understanding in VHDL is it is like this.... (I am improvising from
memory here)
configuration name of testbenchname is
for behavior -- arch name
for uut: system_stub -- unit under test
for STRUCUTRE -- arch of system_stub
for system_i: system -- declared system
for structure
for all: blockram_types: use work.blockram_conf;
bunch of end fors and end of configuration
I stole this from the system_init file and added my new levels of
It complains to me that system is not a valid component- but in the
work directory I see it there clear as day. Is there a limit to how
far down in the heirarchy you can assign configurations? I do not
believe so. I tried making multiple level configurations and have had
no luck either.
If I blow this away- the PowerPC fetches from FFFFFFC and gets zero
back. When done properly, it fetches the first opcode and I am off an
PowerPC on a V2Pro. I have had success using simply the EDK with
Modelsim but when I change the flow to the ISE as an embedded project-
I am having trouble getting the boot ROM to be read in as a
configuration in Modelsim.
The trouble has to do with assigning the blockRAM configurations to
the blockmemories once I wrapped the system_stub in a testbench. I
was able to get this all to work with ISE when I did not embed the
processor, but once it is embedded- the blockRAM moves a level down in
the heirarchy and then the configuration statement does not compile.
My understanding in VHDL is it is like this.... (I am improvising from
memory here)
configuration name of testbenchname is
for behavior -- arch name
for uut: system_stub -- unit under test
for STRUCUTRE -- arch of system_stub
for system_i: system -- declared system
for structure
for all: blockram_types: use work.blockram_conf;
bunch of end fors and end of configuration
I stole this from the system_init file and added my new levels of
It complains to me that system is not a valid component- but in the
work directory I see it there clear as day. Is there a limit to how
far down in the heirarchy you can assign configurations? I do not
believe so. I tried making multiple level configurations and have had
no luck either.
If I blow this away- the PowerPC fetches from FFFFFFC and gets zero
back. When done properly, it fetches the first opcode and I am off an