Xilinx Coregen - FIFO



Hi all!
I'm using ISE 6.1 and a Spartan3 fpga. Last day I tried to instantiate a
synchronous FIFO using Logicore.
When I use this instance in my design the beavioural simulation works
perfectly while the post-translate (and the others too) simulation
don't. Looking at the RTL schematic I saw that the vector output of the
instantiated fifo weren't connected with the output and with the other
elements in the design. I tried to instantiate other
memories...asynchronous fifo and so on but the problem is always the
same. What can I do?
The instantiated fifo working in a standalone manner (providing all
signal throug a testbench) work fine even in the post-translate.
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot

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"gvaglia" <8259invalid@mynewsgate.net> wrote in message news:<200406151428538259@mynewsgate.net>...
Hi all!
I'm using ISE 6.1 and a Spartan3 fpga. Last day I tried to instantiate a
synchronous FIFO using Logicore.
When I use this instance in my design the beavioural simulation works
perfectly while the post-translate (and the others too) simulation
don't. Looking at the RTL schematic I saw that the vector output of the
instantiated fifo weren't connected with the output and with the other
elements in the design. I tried to instantiate other
memories...asynchronous fifo and so on but the problem is always the
same. What can I do?
You could write your own code.

All you need is a head and tail counter,
and a dual address ram template something like:
constant mem_size : natural := 2**add_length;
type mem_type is array (mem_size-1 downto 0) of
unsigned (dat_length-1 downto 0);
subtype ptr_type is unsigned(add_length-1 downto 0);
ram_access : process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
if we = '1' then
mem(to_integer(push_tail_ptr)) <= data_i;
-- raw address
end if;
data_q <= mem(to_integer(pop_head_ptr));
-- mem data after pop low
end if;
end process ram_access;
-- ...
Increment the head for a push,
the tail for a pop or both for both.

for some fifo examples.

-- Mike Treseler

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