Hello everyone!
For 10 month I am working on a c++ library for reading and interpretin
bitstream files, which are used to configure Xilinx FPGAs belonging to th
different virtex families. In short, my library is capable of:
- open bitstream files, and interpret them to yield their raw configuratio
data (which would be written into the configuration SRAM of the FPGA i
configured the normal way), i.e. the configuration frames.
- interpret the so gathered configuration data again, yielding a netlis
specifying the used ressources on the FPGA and the nets connecting them.
I did this mainly for virtex 5, but it should be possible for all virte
I would like to share this library with public (as the guys from ulogic di
with debit). My question regarding this: Can I put the source code (.cp
and .hpp files) of my library (all written by me), along with it
documentation (also by me...) online under a GPL license? Or can i get i
legal troubles with xilinx? i did not reverse engeneer any of their tools
just used the info public available from ulogic and the xilinx publi
documentation; and some test bitstreams along with their xdl files.
Maybe some guys from xilinx are also here and can shed some light on this?
Regards, Florian
Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
For 10 month I am working on a c++ library for reading and interpretin
bitstream files, which are used to configure Xilinx FPGAs belonging to th
different virtex families. In short, my library is capable of:
- open bitstream files, and interpret them to yield their raw configuratio
data (which would be written into the configuration SRAM of the FPGA i
configured the normal way), i.e. the configuration frames.
- interpret the so gathered configuration data again, yielding a netlis
specifying the used ressources on the FPGA and the nets connecting them.
I did this mainly for virtex 5, but it should be possible for all virte
I would like to share this library with public (as the guys from ulogic di
with debit). My question regarding this: Can I put the source code (.cp
and .hpp files) of my library (all written by me), along with it
documentation (also by me...) online under a GPL license? Or can i get i
legal troubles with xilinx? i did not reverse engeneer any of their tools
just used the info public available from ulogic and the xilinx publi
documentation; and some test bitstreams along with their xdl files.
Maybe some guys from xilinx are also here and can shed some light on this?
Regards, Florian
Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com