Xilinx 5.2 and EDK 3.2: Simulation given 'Z' ouput form tuto



I need help....I installed Xilinx 5.2 SP3, EDK 3.2 SP2 and ModelSim
5.7b. After running through the compxlib and vmap to setup the
libraries for Modelsim, I went through the Microblaze tutorial. I
completed the tutorial up to downloading the design to hardware. I
skip over to the simulation section and recompiled the microblaze with
the simulation.c code. When I run the behavioral simulation, the
output from the microblaze is Z's. WHat am I doing wrong???


It sounds to me like you haven't compiled the EDK behavioral model
libraries. If that's the case then check out the "Behavioral Model
Libraries" section on page 5 of the "Getting Started with the EDK"
document ($EDK/doc/edk_getstarted.pdf) for the instructions.

Best regards,
Ryan Laity
Xilinx Applications

Matt wrote:
I need help....I installed Xilinx 5.2 SP3, EDK 3.2 SP2 and ModelSim
5.7b. After running through the compxlib and vmap to setup the
libraries for Modelsim, I went through the Microblaze tutorial. I
completed the tutorial up to downloading the design to hardware. I
skip over to the simulation section and recompiled the microblaze with
the simulation.c code. When I run the behavioral simulation, the
output from the microblaze is Z's. WHat am I doing wrong???

I ran the vmap batch file and compxlib per the instructions on
page 5 of the getting started guide. The problem is still there. I
went through the tutorial design (except for the programming into
hardware) and the tutorial design gives me 'Z' output. Any idea why?
Thanks again.


Ryan Laity <ryan_dot_laity@x-i-l-i-n-x_pleasenospam_dot_com> wrote in message news:<3FD11C4E.1010704@x-i-l-i-n-x_pleasenospam_dot_com>...

It sounds to me like you haven't compiled the EDK behavioral model
libraries. If that's the case then check out the "Behavioral Model
Libraries" section on page 5 of the "Getting Started with the EDK"
document ($EDK/doc/edk_getstarted.pdf) for the instructions.

Best regards,
Ryan Laity
Xilinx Applications

Matt wrote:
I need help....I installed Xilinx 5.2 SP3, EDK 3.2 SP2 and ModelSim
5.7b. After running through the compxlib and vmap to setup the
libraries for Modelsim, I went through the Microblaze tutorial. I
completed the tutorial up to downloading the design to hardware. I
skip over to the simulation section and recompiled the microblaze with
the simulation.c code. When I run the behavioral simulation, the
output from the microblaze is Z's. WHat am I doing wrong???

I notice you're using Modelsim. One of my leading gripes with this
program, the one that must have cost me the most time overall, is that
it doesn't alert you (or maybe I just have the preferences set wrong
somewhere) at compile time if it can't find an ENTITY, it just continues
with a "compilation successful", and you have to double click on the
this success message to learn that it actually failedto find any of the
files it needs to actually do anything, and then your simulation gives
X's all over the place. Of course, you're geting Z's, which is weird,
but I figure it might be a similar problem. That, and I wanted to gripe
;). Sorry for hijacking your thread if this is an unrelated issue...

Matt wrote:
I ran the vmap batch file and compxlib per the instructions on
page 5 of the getting started guide. The problem is still there. I
went through the tutorial design (except for the programming into
hardware) and the tutorial design gives me 'Z' output. Any idea why?
Thanks again.


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