Winfield Hill
Here's a draft of the first 5 pages
of a 6-page section I'm finishing.
This is the last section to go into
the x-Chapters book. Everything is
down to the wire, and there isn't
time for all the feedback I'd like.
But we still have a few more days
to fix errors, clarify things, etc.
(Also recall our earlier s.e.d.
discussion: "op-amp-controlled
MOSFET cucrrent-source, example")
- Win
of a 6-page section I'm finishing.
This is the last section to go into
the x-Chapters book. Everything is
down to the wire, and there isn't
time for all the feedback I'd like.
But we still have a few more days
to fix errors, clarify things, etc.
(Also recall our earlier s.e.d.
discussion: "op-amp-controlled
MOSFET cucrrent-source, example")
- Win