WTS: A ton of test equipment, US Govt Surplus, sold at penn

  • Thread starter sales@semiautosten.com
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Hewlett Packard 204D Oscillator

LOG/LIN RF Power Meter
Pacific Measurements Inc model PM1009 Condition unknown, powers up.

Bae Systron Donner Frequency Counter RESOLUTION: 1M - .1HZ
RANGE: 0 - 12.4 GHz
$22000.00 originally, now $445.00

Aritech Decade Frequency Divider
Model DD 1007

Graphtec Corp Linearcorder MKVII Model WR3101 $7500 originally.

Modulator Subassembly Motor Controlled Variable Transformer Power

International Light Corp IL1500 Research Radiometer $2100 new

Tektronix Type 1A2 Dual Trace Plug in Unit $95.00

Tektronix R7704 Oscillator main frame. Grid lights up, buttons light,
no plug ins available. $165.00

Hewlett Packard 5245L Electronic Counter Accepts Plug in Modules

Philips Fluke PM3050 60MHz
Oscilloscope. LCD display powers up, can't get blip on screen.

Fluke Philips PM5715 Pulse Generator 1Hz-50MHz

Hitachi Oscilloscope V209
Recently calibrated.

Motorola HT600 VHF 2way radios with charger and battery. All function
and are programmed on some or all of their 6 channels. Antennas beat,
otherwise very good condition.
$129.95 per set.

Princeton Applied Research Model 175 Universal Programmer. $15000.00
original cost, now $495.00

Hewlett Packard 3490A Multimeter

Princeton Applied Research Model 173 Potentiostat Galvanostat and
Model 376 Logarithmic Current Converter module. $10000.00 original
cost. Cut cord, powers up. $595.00

Hewlett Packard 3780A Pattern Generator & Error Detector w/manuals.
$7475.00 originally, now only

Tektronix DM 502A Auto ranging
Digital Multimeter plug in for 500 series mainframes. Excellent

Tektronix Calibration fixture
067-0680-00 Signal Normalizer
Excellent condition, with instructions.
Hewlett Packard AN/USM 339 Oscilloscope
AC 115/230 or DC 11-36v operation all in a ruggedized field case.
Original Government cost $3900! Comes with cables, connectors,
contrast filters, etc.
Appears almost unused!

Eberline Scintillation Probe Assy.
Model SPA3 $135.00

Sonic Instruments Inc Ultrasonic flaw detector. 28VDC or 115VAC
operation. In ruggedized case. Original Government cost $7950!
Untested as I have no idea what this thing is or how to use it!
Lights up similar to an oscilloscope.

Lab Standard Decade Resistance Substituter. I.E.T. Hars-L Series
..001 Ohm – 100k Ohm
Originally $7000 + !

Fluke Differential Voltmeter
Original Cost $895
Now $129.95

MIE Inc Miniram PDM-3 Aerosol Monitor Personal Dust Monitor
w/Sunshield model PDM-SNS, adapter, and plug ins.

Ballantine Differential Voltmeter
Original Cost $895
Now $129.95

A.I.E. Inc Megacycle Meter
Original cost $4750.
Now $245.00

Hewlett Packard Optical Time Domain Reflectometer model HP 8145A. In
self contained transit case, powers up fine, marked Class 1 Laser
product, 1540nm and 1300nm. Have no idea what this thing is for, but
it was expensive! $10k original cost, now $895.00.

Tektonix Oscilloscope Model 475

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