Wanted: the following TV SAW filters:
Samsung p/n 4529-428-3106 TSF1202C or
4529-426-3100 F1032-U or equiv. ( from a JC Penney and
M Wards TV ) both appear to be Samsung chassis.
Need at least two, new, used or surplus, pref not over $5 or $10 ea..
Also looking for a Sanyo TSF1203, 0.5" dia metal can type.
Please REMOVE the "NS" from my email to reply or post to group.
( or call 334-347-5281 day/eve )
Samsung p/n 4529-428-3106 TSF1202C or
4529-426-3100 F1032-U or equiv. ( from a JC Penney and
M Wards TV ) both appear to be Samsung chassis.
Need at least two, new, used or surplus, pref not over $5 or $10 ea..
Also looking for a Sanyo TSF1203, 0.5" dia metal can type.
Please REMOVE the "NS" from my email to reply or post to group.
( or call 334-347-5281 day/eve )