Wtd: Perth: Motorola MC 68705P3 (Old nmos single chip micro



Hi chaps,

Looking for a few of these nmos 28 pin 0.6" wide micros, they
have a quartz window for uv erasing. Need about a dozen or so.

Might also be interested in the 68705R3 version (40 pin dip).

Need to know date code and package, ie. One was the regular
ceramic 0.6" dip with smooth top, the other was also a ceramic
but had a raised gold plated window. The former is preferable
as I have some repairs to an old product and the space for
that was so tight the latter one wouldnt fit - but might want
a few of those others anyway for my kids to play with, thanks

Email me on 68705 at niche.iinet.net.au

I think most of us know how to derive the true email address
from the above line,


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Web site under construction http://niche.iinet.net.au
On 06 Jun 2006 06:22:16 GMT, erazmus@iinet.net.au (Mike) wrote:

Hi chaps,

Looking for a few of these nmos 28 pin 0.6" wide micros, they
have a quartz window for uv erasing. Need about a dozen or so.

Might also be interested in the 68705R3 version (40 pin dip).

Need to know date code and package, ie. One was the regular
ceramic 0.6" dip with smooth top, the other was also a ceramic
but had a raised gold plated window. The former is preferable
as I have some repairs to an old product and the space for
that was so tight the latter one wouldnt fit - but might want
a few of those others anyway for my kids to play with, thanks

Email me on 68705 at niche.iinet.net.au

I think most of us know how to derive the true email address
from the above line,

Some of both on http://ozcomponents.com

Sell your surplus electronic components at
Search or browse for that IC, capacitor,
crystal or other component you need.
In article <ndma82hp2vqoos0q62n9934od6efoab5eh@4ax.com>, me@somewhere.com.au.invalid says...

Some of both on http://ozcomponents.com

Nice link, thanks Alan,


Sell your surplus electronic components at
Search or browse for that IC, capacitor,
crystal or other component you need.
* GMC/VL Commodore, Calais VL Turbo FuseRail that wont warp or melt !
* High grade milspec ignition driver electronics now in development
* Twin Tyres to suit most sedans, trikes and motorcycle sidecars

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