WTD: LCD MOdule for digital camera (Olympus C-220)


Steve Gontarek

Apologies for x-post, but not sure where I might get the best response

I'm in need of LCD TFT 3.8cm module for a Olympus C-220 digital
camera. I stupidly sat on the camera and a protrudence on the bench I
was sitting on (a nail head) went and smashed the LCD.

I either need another knackered C-220 (with a complete looking LCD) or
a supplier of such LCD modules (new or used) - preferable in the UK or
Europe. I'm obviously trying to do this on the cheap, cos the
quotes I've had from a olympus & repair shops is anything from 65 to
ukp120 (200US) and I can buy a new camera for about ukp90 ! It would
seem a waste to chuck the camera
out - it does actually still work - takes pictures fine etc, but I
have to plug it into the TV to change the options etc - a slight
handicap :-(

I have actually removed the broken LCD module (and the camera still
works !) and there are some numbers on it - 127ALXB 235A03E, but I
can't find any mention of them on a web search.

remove XXXs for reply
Steve Gontarek wrote:

Apologies for x-post, but not sure where I might get the best response

I'm in need of LCD TFT 3.8cm module for a Olympus C-220 digital
camera. I stupidly sat on the camera and a protrudence on the bench I
was sitting on (a nail head) went and smashed the LCD.

I either need another knackered C-220 (with a complete looking LCD) or
a supplier of such LCD modules (new or used) - preferable in the UK or
Europe. I'm obviously trying to do this on the cheap, cos the
quotes I've had from a olympus & repair shops is anything from 65 to
ukp120 (200US) and I can buy a new camera for about ukp90 ! It would
seem a waste to chuck the camera
out - it does actually still work - takes pictures fine etc, but I
have to plug it into the TV to change the options etc - a slight
handicap :-(

I have actually removed the broken LCD module (and the camera still
works !) and there are some numbers on it - 127ALXB 235A03E, but I
can't find any mention of them on a web search.

Suggest that you check out ebay, looking for one
advertised as "as-is" or defective. "Ask the seller"
a question, asking him to send you a pic of the
back of the camera if he's able to.

If the back looks good, then take a chance...

The price will be right, and as a bonus you'll get
a handful of other parts that might be helpful in
the future... (lens cap, battery cover, maybe a
small card, etc.)

Worked for me for my grand daughte's c-740 :)

Take care.

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:17:25 GMT, Ken Weitzel <kweitzel@shaw.ca>


Suggest that you check out ebay, looking for one
advertised as "as-is" or defective. "Ask the seller"
a question, asking him to send you a pic of the
back of the camera if he's able to.

If the back looks good, then take a chance...

The price will be right, and as a bonus you'll get
a handful of other parts that might be helpful in
the future... (lens cap, battery cover, maybe a
small card, etc.)

Worked for me for my grand daughte's c-740 :)

Take care.

Thanks for that, but that was my first port of call - there are only
newish ones available at the moment. Just thought I'd try some
newsgroups while I was at it.

Steve Gontarek wrote:
On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:17:25 GMT, Ken Weitzel <kweitzel@shaw.ca



Suggest that you check out ebay, looking for one
advertised as "as-is" or defective. "Ask the seller"
a question, asking him to send you a pic of the
back of the camera if he's able to.

If the back looks good, then take a chance...

The price will be right, and as a bonus you'll get
a handful of other parts that might be helpful in
the future... (lens cap, battery cover, maybe a
small card, etc.)

Worked for me for my grand daughte's c-740 :)

Take care.


I've actually been pretty apalled at the prices people on ebay are getting
for 'as-is' digital cameras. Even ones which are described as total junk go
for what I consider to be way too much.


Thanks for that, but that was my first port of call - there are only
newish ones available at the moment. Just thought I'd try some
newsgroups while I was at it.

Steve Gontarek wrote:
On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:17:25 GMT, Ken Weitzel <kweitzel@shaw.ca



Suggest that you check out ebay, looking for one
advertised as "as-is" or defective. "Ask the seller"
a question, asking him to send you a pic of the
back of the camera if he's able to.

If the back looks good, then take a chance...

The price will be right, and as a bonus you'll get
a handful of other parts that might be helpful in
the future... (lens cap, battery cover, maybe a
small card, etc.)

Worked for me for my grand daughte's c-740 :)

Take care.


Thanks for that, but that was my first port of call - there are only
newish ones available at the moment. Just thought I'd try some
newsgroups while I was at it.


Hi Steve...

Then try writing to cameracable@hotmail.com, and ask
John if he might not have a used one for you.

He's an Olympus repair shop in California, USA.

You'll have a tiny bit of trouble communicating,
his mother tongue is Chinese, but he's done work
for me, and has treated me fairly, honestly, and

Disclaimer: He and I have no business relationship
whatsoever. Still, it couldn't hurt if you tell him
I sent you :)

Take care.

Steve Gontarek <stjg@sams.ac.uk> wrote ...
I'm in need of LCD TFT 3.8cm module for a Olympus C-220 digital
[The camera] does actually still work - takes pictures fine etc, but I
have to plug it into the TV to change the options etc - a slight
handicap :-(
Do not have a source of LCDs for you, but how about serial controlling
the camera? I believe you can change a lot of setting via the serial
port, both from the Oly Camedia software and from several third party

On a side note, but related, my old D-220L's LCD crapped out on it (my
daughter dropped the camera), but I had already upgraded to a newer
model (which is why I let my young daughter play with the old one).
Because the camera was not really being used anyway, I researched the
protocol for serial controlling the camera and made a small
microcontroller project that can talk to the camera serially and
command photos to be taken. I haven't put it to a lot of use yet, but
the intial idea was a small circuit that could run the camera and take
time lapse photos (e.g. one photo every minute, hour, etc.). While
this is already implimented in some PC software and at least one Palm
pilot program I know of, I wanted a small cheap circuit that could do
this so I could set up and leave the camera places I normally would
not leave a computer, laptop, or expensive palm pilot where they might
be stolen or damaged (weather, etc.). My circuit worked very nicely.

The concept would also be expanded such as rather than taking a photo
every x minutes, you could have a photo taken when an input it
activated (trip wire, optical sensor, etc.) to capture photos of, for
example, animals travelling a trail.

Anyway, do to the low value of the camera, you might find a new use
for it like I did with mine, where the need to use the LCD is not
required. I think there are programs out there where you can use it as
a web cam too.
Patrick Timlin wrote:
Steve Gontarek <stjg@sams.ac.uk> wrote ...

I'm in need of LCD TFT 3.8cm module for a Olympus C-220 digital
[The camera] does actually still work - takes pictures fine etc, but I
have to plug it into the TV to change the options etc - a slight
handicap :-(

Do not have a source of LCDs for you, but how about serial controlling
the camera? I believe you can change a lot of setting via the serial
port, both from the Oly Camedia software and from several third party

On a side note, but related, my old D-220L's LCD crapped out on it (my
daughter dropped the camera), but I had already upgraded to a newer
model (which is why I let my young daughter play with the old one).
Because the camera was not really being used anyway, I researched the
protocol for serial controlling the camera and made a small
microcontroller project that can talk to the camera serially and
command photos to be taken. I haven't put it to a lot of use yet, but
the intial idea was a small circuit that could run the camera and take
time lapse photos (e.g. one photo every minute, hour, etc.). While
this is already implimented in some PC software and at least one Palm
pilot program I know of, I wanted a small cheap circuit that could do
this so I could set up and leave the camera places I normally would
not leave a computer, laptop, or expensive palm pilot where they might
be stolen or damaged (weather, etc.). My circuit worked very nicely.

The concept would also be expanded such as rather than taking a photo
every x minutes, you could have a photo taken when an input it
activated (trip wire, optical sensor, etc.) to capture photos of, for
example, animals travelling a trail.

Anyway, do to the low value of the camera, you might find a new use
for it like I did with mine, where the need to use the LCD is not
required. I think there are programs out there where you can use it as
a web cam too.

With the exception of the external trigger, all of
these (and more) are available in came09

It's freeware; should be easily found on the net.

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 15:39:55 GMT, Ken Weitzel <kweitzel@shaw.ca> wrote:

Hi Steve...

Then try writing to cameracable@hotmail.com, and ask
John if he might not have a used one for you.

He's an Olympus repair shop in California, USA.

You'll have a tiny bit of trouble communicating,
his mother tongue is Chinese, but he's done work
for me, and has treated me fairly, honestly, and

Disclaimer: He and I have no business relationship
whatsoever. Still, it couldn't hurt if you tell him
I sent you :)

Take care.

Thanks for that. I'm awaiting another (probably overpriced) estimate fo rhte part itself from
Olympus and then I might your guy a call

On 22 Apr 2004 09:03:30 -0700, westford97-google@yahoo.com (Patrick Timlin) wrote:


Do not have a source of LCDs for you, but how about serial controlling
the camera? I believe you can change a lot of setting via the serial
port, both from the Oly Camedia software and from several third party

On a side note, but related, my old D-220L's LCD crapped out on it (my
daughter dropped the camera), but I had already upgraded to a newer
model (which is why I let my young daughter play with the old one).
Because the camera was not really being used anyway, I researched the
protocol for serial controlling the camera and made a small
microcontroller project that can talk to the camera serially and
command photos to be taken. I haven't put it to a lot of use yet, but
the intial idea was a small circuit that could run the camera and take
time lapse photos (e.g. one photo every minute, hour, etc.). While
this is already implimented in some PC software and at least one Palm
pilot program I know of, I wanted a small cheap circuit that could do
this so I could set up and leave the camera places I normally would
not leave a computer, laptop, or expensive palm pilot where they might
be stolen or damaged (weather, etc.). My circuit worked very nicely.

The concept would also be expanded such as rather than taking a photo
every x minutes, you could have a photo taken when an input it
activated (trip wire, optical sensor, etc.) to capture photos of, for
example, animals travelling a trail.

Anyway, do to the low value of the camera, you might find a new use
for it like I did with mine, where the need to use the LCD is not
required. I think there are programs out there where you can use it as
a web cam too.
Thanks for the suggestion, but there is no serial port on the camera, only the A\V and USB download
ports. Besides that, as a webcam (through my TV capture card), it has a very slow response time.


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