WTB :Teac FD-01 H floppy used inside SONY Mavica MVC-FD81



hi... after a floopy drive to suit an alder sony type digital(floppy
drive) camera MAVICA Fd81.

I took it appart ... problem was someone forced a diskette and some of
the mechanism has come appart..unlikely to be fixed.

the drive was marked TEAC FD-01 H .. I have a teac FD-05 out of a laptop
but it is not the same

so if someone has a broken mavica(as long as the drive is working ..or
know a source of these TEAC drives (or equivalents) ..please help ..
shame to throw the whole lot as the camara should be still usefull
(well as long as the drive is working)

I am happy to pay reasonable amount ..or swap you some other computer
parts (if interested)

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