Hi after older type early microprocessor development boards based on
early microprocessor chips (around late 70's early 1980's era).. e.g.
8080/85/z80,680X,sc/mp's,2650,TI9900,6502, 8086 ,z8000,68000 etc.. not
after full microcomputers (e.g. commodores, etc.) but development
systems that ere basically a cpu chip+ some ram ,some sort of interface
and i/o on a board .. or similar setup ...
also any books/manuals to go with those micro' and interface to them..
going or not going is fine .. as long as there is reasonable info to
repair them or be able to use them for parts ..
early microprocessor chips (around late 70's early 1980's era).. e.g.
8080/85/z80,680X,sc/mp's,2650,TI9900,6502, 8086 ,z8000,68000 etc.. not
after full microcomputers (e.g. commodores, etc.) but development
systems that ere basically a cpu chip+ some ram ,some sort of interface
and i/o on a board .. or similar setup ...
also any books/manuals to go with those micro' and interface to them..
going or not going is fine .. as long as there is reasonable info to
repair them or be able to use them for parts ..