Hi after older type early microprocessor development boards based on
early microprocessor chips (around late 70's early 1980's era).. e.g.
8080/85/z80,680X,sc/mp's,2650,TI9900,6502, 8086 etc.. not after full
microcomputers (e.g. commodores, etc.) but development systems that ere
basically a cpu chip+ some ram ,some sort of interface and i/o on a
board .. or similar setup
also any books/manuals to go with those micro' and interface to them..
early microprocessor chips (around late 70's early 1980's era).. e.g.
8080/85/z80,680X,sc/mp's,2650,TI9900,6502, 8086 etc.. not after full
microcomputers (e.g. commodores, etc.) but development systems that ere
basically a cpu chip+ some ram ,some sort of interface and i/o on a
board .. or similar setup
also any books/manuals to go with those micro' and interface to them..