I've had no luck at all finding this transistor. It is
a valid number as I was able to find it in an old
Moto book, but may not have been in production
for long.
Its a 1/2 watt, NPN in a ceramic package with
'windmill' leads. Its meant to be used in the 450-470
MHz band.
Only need a couple. Any lead or suggestions on
who might have these would be appreciated.
p.s.-they are used in a 440 MHz repeater
a valid number as I was able to find it in an old
Moto book, but may not have been in production
for long.
Its a 1/2 watt, NPN in a ceramic package with
'windmill' leads. Its meant to be used in the 450-470
MHz band.
Only need a couple. Any lead or suggestions on
who might have these would be appreciated.
p.s.-they are used in a 440 MHz repeater