WTB:Infocus LCD Projector Lamp for LP725




the lamp on our projector just blew up ... so after one for Infocus
LP725 LCD Projector (or I believe LP735 uses the same lamp) the Infocus
full lamp assembly is SP-LAMP-LP7E .. but the lamp itself is marked

Only the lamp will do ..if someone has one or equivalent ..it is 150W
in power and I think it is made by OSHAM (some chinese or japanese co) ..
If someone has a cheap source of these let me know ..The prices from
retailers are just ridiculous

or even if you have a Lp725 that has died but the lamp Ok .I'd be
interested in the lamp.. or any second hand lamp as long as still working .

"mc" <phmc@cc.newcastle.edu.au> wrote in message

the lamp on our projector just blew up ... so after one for Infocus LP725
LCD Projector (or I believe LP735 uses the same lamp) the Infocus full
lamp assembly is SP-LAMP-LP7E .. but the lamp itself is marked

Only the lamp will do ..if someone has one or equivalent ..it is 150W in
power and I think it is made by OSHAM (some chinese or japanese co) ..
If someone has a cheap source of these let me know ..The prices from
retailers are just ridiculous

or even if you have a Lp725 that has died but the lamp Ok .I'd be
interested in the lamp.. or any second hand lamp as long as still working
This is the same problem a lot of people would be having with projects, a
lamp cost $600 and new and improved projector costs $1000.

"mc" <phmc@cc.newcastle.edu.au> wrote in message

the lamp on our projector just blew up ... so after one for Infocus LP725
LCD Projector (or I believe LP735 uses the same lamp) the Infocus full
lamp assembly is SP-LAMP-LP7E .. but the lamp itself is marked

Only the lamp will do ..if someone has one or equivalent ..it is 150W in
power and I think it is made by OSHAM (some chinese or japanese co) ..
If someone has a cheap source of these let me know ..The prices from
retailers are just ridiculous

or even if you have a Lp725 that has died but the lamp Ok .I'd be
interested in the lamp.. or any second hand lamp as long as still working
I forgot to mention it's a good idea to search the net for better prices.

mc wrote:

the lamp on our projector just blew up ... so after one for Infocus
LP725 LCD Projector (or I believe LP735 uses the same lamp) the Infocus
full lamp assembly is SP-LAMP-LP7E .. but the lamp itself is marked

Only the lamp will do ..if someone has one or equivalent ..it is 150W
in power and I think it is made by OSHAM (some chinese or japanese co) ..
If someone has a cheap source of these let me know ..The prices from
retailers are just ridiculous

or even if you have a Lp725 that has died but the lamp Ok .I'd be
interested in the lamp.. or any second hand lamp as long as still working .

Are you sure that it isn't OSRAM?
Link to my "Computers for disabled Veterans" project website deleted
after threats were telephoned to my church.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Try the following link to the states. Aus$385.30 including freight at the
current exchange rate + customs if you get hit.

"mc" <phmc@cc.newcastle.edu.au> wrote in message

the lamp on our projector just blew up ... so after one for Infocus LP725
LCD Projector (or I believe LP735 uses the same lamp) the Infocus full
lamp assembly is SP-LAMP-LP7E .. but the lamp itself is marked

Only the lamp will do ..if someone has one or equivalent ..it is 150W in
power and I think it is made by OSHAM (some chinese or japanese co) ..
If someone has a cheap source of these let me know ..The prices from
retailers are just ridiculous

or even if you have a Lp725 that has died but the lamp Ok .I'd be
interested in the lamp.. or any second hand lamp as long as still working

"APR" <I_Dont_Want_Spam@Spam.com> wrote in message
Try the following link to the states. Aus$385.30 including freight at the
current exchange rate + customs if you get hit.
Hint: Get your lamp sent in via the postal system NOT a courier company.
In my experience, items under AU$1000 don't tend to attract import duty or
GST if sent via the post, whereas goods arriving via couriers get slam
dunked for duty / GST on both the item and the cost of the courier. :(

Hint: Get your lamp sent in via the postal system NOT a courier company.
In my experience, items under AU$1000 don't tend to attract import duty or
GST if sent via the post, whereas goods arriving via couriers get slam
dunked for duty / GST on both the item and the cost of the courier. :(
Aussie post and a lightbulb? No thanks.
Hell, I've had a CD snapped in half, case and all, with the force my local
postie uses to cram stuff into my mailbox. Common occurence to not be able
to remove anything over standard letter size without tearing half the
outside off. (Not to mention credit cards ending up two streets down)

wouldn't trust 'em with a $400 lightglobe!

"mark jb" <nukeleer at internode dot on dot net> wrote in message
Hint: Get your lamp sent in via the postal system NOT a courier company.
In my experience, items under AU$1000 don't tend to attract import duty
GST if sent via the post, whereas goods arriving via couriers get slam
dunked for duty / GST on both the item and the cost of the courier. :(

Aussie post and a lightbulb? No thanks.
Hell, I've had a CD snapped in half, case and all, with the force my local
postie uses to cram stuff into my mailbox. Common occurence to not be able
to remove anything over standard letter size without tearing half the
outside off. (Not to mention credit cards ending up two streets down)

wouldn't trust 'em with a $400 lightglobe!

Sad to hear you've had such bad luck Mark, but Aussie Post aren't always the
ones to blame. No amount of courier care is going to protect an item from
potential damage if it hasn't been appropriately packaged. Just because an
item gets handled by a courier company doesn't automatically ensure it's
going to arrive undamaged. BTW if your local postie thinks a box
containing a projector lamp can fit in to you letterbox slot, either you've
got a very big letterbox or an incredibly stupid postie. If the latter is
the case I suggest you take the matter up with you local delivery area
manager at Australia Post. You'd be doing everyone a favour.

I receive hundreds of items sent via the postal system from OS every year.
In 99% of the time, damage (no matter who the carrier was) can be attributed
to poor packaging on the part of the sender.

If a healthy bit of paranoia about possible damage occurring is evident,
then I recommend insuring the goods against losses and damage for a small
additional cost. Still well below the cost of getting stung for GST.

Remember, they won't let you take possession of the package until you have
paid any taxes and GST to the courier company who in turn pass it onto
Australian Customs. Too bad if your precious consignment is a box full of
broken glass and plastic you still have to pay the taxes and GST. This is
where your insurance comes in very handy. So if you are going to insure,
the postal service is well worth the small risk of having to make a claim or
have the delay in having the goods resent to you.

As a matter of interest, most US Air Post consignments get here to me in
Perth (door to door) in 4 days on average. Just as fast as FedX or DHL at a
fraction of the cost.

mc wrote:

the lamp on our projector just blew up ... so after one for Infocus
LP725 LCD Projector (or I believe LP735 uses the same lamp) the Infocus
full lamp assembly is SP-LAMP-LP7E .. but the lamp itself is marked

Only the lamp will do ..if someone has one or equivalent ..it is 150W
in power and I think it is made by OSHAM (some chinese or japanese co) ..
If someone has a cheap source of these let me know ..The prices from
retailers are just ridiculous

or even if you have a Lp725 that has died but the lamp Ok .I'd be
interested in the lamp.. or any second hand lamp as long as still working .

can you list the dimensions
"mark jb" <nukeleer at internode dot on dot net> wrote in message
Aussie post and a lightbulb? No thanks.
Hell, I've had a CD snapped in half, case and all, with the force my local
postie uses to cram stuff into my mailbox. Common occurence to not be able
to remove anything over standard letter size without tearing half the
outside off. (Not to mention credit cards ending up two streets down)

wouldn't trust 'em with a $400 lightglobe!
That's odd, I just get a red slip in the letterbox asking me to go the post
office to pick it up. The only thing they've ever put in my letter box is
letters and magazines.


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