WTB: Decent scope, London area


Andrew Mayo

I picked up a Fluke 3380 DSO up in Leeds the other day and regrettably
found a front-panel fault that means I will be returning it under
warranty, but the shop I am dealing with only has rather higher-end
scopes available e.g Tek 2465A and these are getting a bit out of my
price range.

I have also considered possibly getting the Picoscope 3204 which
looks, on paper, quite good - I have a decent high-end laptop I could
plug that in to, but to be honest I feel I'd prefer a good
old-fashioned analogue scope.

If anyone in the greater London area has a

2 ch 100MHz (or possibly better) scope

in good condition, ideally with probes, please contact me by




to form a valid email address (sorry about the awkwardness here, but
spam harvesters are the bane of our existence)

and let me know approximately how much you'd like for it. I'd prefer
Tek or HP, I think, and definitely not one of those weird Philips
scopes with the non-standard controls I saw some time back).

(I'm heartbroken about the Fluke because it was such a beautiful piece
of kit, but, alas, such is life!. I'd consider another one of those,
if anyone has one FS, also)

PS: I will need to come and see it and check it out, but will of
course pay cash on the spot.

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