So, hoped to have left all this mechanical error measurement stuff
behind me back in the 80's but I guess with the renewed interest in
vinyl its all coming out of the woodwork.
Leader LFM=3610 W&F meter, customer wants it calibrated or at least
verified. don't have schematics or full cal manual. Manual I do have
suggests use of Leader LFM-7000 W&F calibrator, don't have that either.
So........ How can I reproduce some of the cal signals, for example JIS,
1%, 4Hz modulation at 1vrms?
JIS is 3KHz sine, so no problem, but how to add the 4Hz modulation? FM
obviously, (AM would be easy), but how? Can't be a 4Hz sweep on 3Khz,
can't be a 4Hz burst? Superimposed 4Hz on 3Khz? How to quantify 1%?
I have a wide range of hardware and software signal gens available but
no idea how to mimic this accurately.
Any of you audio guys have digital waveforms/ test cd's handy you can
share? Help!
behind me back in the 80's but I guess with the renewed interest in
vinyl its all coming out of the woodwork.
Leader LFM=3610 W&F meter, customer wants it calibrated or at least
verified. don't have schematics or full cal manual. Manual I do have
suggests use of Leader LFM-7000 W&F calibrator, don't have that either.
So........ How can I reproduce some of the cal signals, for example JIS,
1%, 4Hz modulation at 1vrms?
JIS is 3KHz sine, so no problem, but how to add the 4Hz modulation? FM
obviously, (AM would be easy), but how? Can't be a 4Hz sweep on 3Khz,
can't be a 4Hz burst? Superimposed 4Hz on 3Khz? How to quantify 1%?
I have a wide range of hardware and software signal gens available but
no idea how to mimic this accurately.
Any of you audio guys have digital waveforms/ test cd's handy you can
share? Help!