Wiring a switch to a TV remote


Sarah Howarth

My brother is disabled and wants to have a simple switch
(http://www.tashinc.com/catalog/s_soft_yet_strong.html) control the
favorites button on his Motorola digital cable box. I read on an
email list that it is possible to solder the jack from the switch to
the remote control so that it activates the favorites button so that
he can change channels...could anyone help describe the specifics or
any other ideas?

We've tried the scanning switches (Relax from Tash) and a computer
driven solution isn't feasible (he doesn't want the computer near his

Thanks so much in advance -


showarth@adelphia.net (Sarah Howarth) wrote:

My brother is disabled and wants to have a simple switch
(http://www.tashinc.com/catalog/s_soft_yet_strong.html) control the
favorites button on his Motorola digital cable box. I read on an
email list that it is possible to solder the jack from the switch to
the remote control so that it activates the favorites button so that
he can change channels...could anyone help describe the specifics or
any other ideas?

We've tried the scanning switches (Relax from Tash) and a computer
driven solution isn't feasible (he doesn't want the computer near his

Thanks so much in advance -


The basic idea is to open the remote and connect a jack to the printed circuit
board on the back of the remote's keyboard. The jack would connect to the two
traces that are associated with the "Favorites" button. Your switch would then
be connected to a plug that matches the jack used on the remote. Pressing the
switch would then be the equivalent of pressing the "Favorites" button in the

I can't be more specific because I have no idea which remote you have - Motorola
provides a number of different controllers for different cable boxes.

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On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 04:05:15 GMT, the Wiz <look@message.body>

showarth@adelphia.net (Sarah Howarth) wrote:

My brother is disabled and wants to have a simple switch
(http://www.tashinc.com/catalog/s_soft_yet_strong.html) control the
favorites button on his Motorola digital cable box. I read on an
email list that it is possible to solder the jack from the switch to
the remote control so that it activates the favorites button so that
he can change channels...could anyone help describe the specifics or
any other ideas?

We've tried the scanning switches (Relax from Tash) and a computer
driven solution isn't feasible (he doesn't want the computer near his

Thanks so much in advance -



The basic idea is to open the remote and connect a jack to the printed circuit
board on the back of the remote's keyboard. The jack would connect to the two
traces that are associated with the "Favorites" button. Your switch would then
be connected to a plug that matches the jack used on the remote. Pressing the
switch would then be the equivalent of pressing the "Favorites" button in the

I can't be more specific because I have no idea which remote you have - Motorola
provides a number of different controllers for different cable boxes.
Below is a similar setup for the channel up button.


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