Recently bought the 3-turn wirewound pot below to replace a worn 1-
turn conductive plastic pot;
Out of the box, the thing exhibits wiper bounce or something similar.
Every now and then the wiper appears to momentarily lose contact with
the element while turning the knob. I would expect that with a worn
pot but not a new one. Is this a bad pot or is this a caveat with
wirewoud pots?
Other new conductive plastic and cermet pots work just fine, however,
can't get them in anything other than 1-turn.
turn conductive plastic pot;
Out of the box, the thing exhibits wiper bounce or something similar.
Every now and then the wiper appears to momentarily lose contact with
the element while turning the knob. I would expect that with a worn
pot but not a new one. Is this a bad pot or is this a caveat with
wirewoud pots?
Other new conductive plastic and cermet pots work just fine, however,
can't get them in anything other than 1-turn.