I would like to wire wrap some small hobby circuits. I figure 30AWG is
correct for me. I see Digikey (http://dkc3.digikey.com/PDF/T051/1323.pdf)
has regular wrap and modified wrap. Which one is best to use?
Also I saw a post that suggested wire wrap is obsolete. I can not imagine
how that could be because it seems perfect for small prototype and hobby --
do others out here wire wrap? Is there a better way to do small hobby stuff
(I do like breadboad but some stuff I'd like to keep for a while and so
wirewrap seems better).
Thanks for any advice.
correct for me. I see Digikey (http://dkc3.digikey.com/PDF/T051/1323.pdf)
has regular wrap and modified wrap. Which one is best to use?
Also I saw a post that suggested wire wrap is obsolete. I can not imagine
how that could be because it seems perfect for small prototype and hobby --
do others out here wire wrap? Is there a better way to do small hobby stuff
(I do like breadboad but some stuff I'd like to keep for a while and so
wirewrap seems better).
Thanks for any advice.