WinCUPL state machine for 16V8


Pete Harrison

I guess the combination of Wincupl and a 16V8 will be pretty much steam
technology for most of you but it is a real mystery to me.

I blew up some 16V8 stepper sequencers the other day and I have to
program up some replacements. All I have is some software to program the
ATF16V8B chips and wincupl.

This is my first try at this game but I have the state machine working
after many hours of searching and puzzling and it behaves the same as
the original chips. BUT...

The driver board has an enable input which should turn off the motors.
In the current design, that is done by setting the outputs all high when
ENABLE is active. unfortunately, this only happens if a clock pulse is
applied as (I suppose) it has to get clocked through the output registers.

Is there a way to make the ENABLE input force the outputs to a
predetermined state with or without a clock pulse?

I would also be grateful for any other assistance you could give.

Here is the CUPL file as it stands:

PartNo 00 ;
Date 13/07/2004 ;
Revision 01 ;
Designer Engineer ;
Company Helicron ;
Assembly None ;
Location ;
Device g16v8a ;

/** Inputs **/
Pin 1 = clk ;
Pin 2 = DIR;
Pin 3 = ENA ;
Pin 9 = FULL;
pin 11 = !OE;
/** Outputs **/
Pin [12..15] = [Q3..0]; /** **/

field stpctrl = [Q3..0];
$Define S0 'b'0000
$Define S1 'b'1000
$Define S2 'b'1010
$Define S3 'b'0010
$Define S4 'b'0110
$Define S5 'b'0100
$Define S6 'b'0101
$Define S7 'b'0001
$Define S8 'b'1001
$Define S9 'b'1111

field mode = [ENA,FULL,DIR];
up = mode:7;
hup = mode:5;
down = mode:6;
hdown = mode:4;
clear = mode:[0,1,2,3];

Sequence stpctrl {

present S9
if up next S2;
if down next S2;
if hup next S1;
if hdown next S1;
present S0
if up next S2;
if down next S2;
if hup next S1;
if hdown next S1;
present S1
if up next S2;
if down next S8;
if hup next S2;
if hdown next S8;
present S2
if up next S4;
if down next S8;
if hup next S3;
if hdown next S1;
present S3
if up next S4;
if down next S2;
if hup next S4;
if hdown next S2;
present S4
if up next S6;
if down next S2;
if hup next S5;
if hdown next S3;
present S5
if up next S6;
if down next S4;
if hup next S6;
if hdown next S4;
present S6
if up next S8;
if down next S4;
if hup next S7;
if hdown next S5;
present S7
if up next S8;
if down next S6;
if hup next S8;
if hdown next S6;
present S8
if up next S2;
if down next S6;
if hup next S1;
if hdown next S7;

Pete Harrison
Is there a way to make the ENABLE input force the outputs to a
predetermined state with or without a clock pulse?
Use it as a tri-state enable? Needs external pull ups or downs.

The mail server is located in California. So are all my
other mailboxes. Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited
commercial e-mail to my address or any of my other addresses.
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 00:29:38 GMT, Pete Harrison
<> wrote:

I guess the combination of Wincupl and a 16V8 will be pretty much steam
technology for most of you but it is a real mystery to me.
On the other hand, a 16V8 or 22V10 is often the perfect size.

I blew up some 16V8 stepper sequencers the other day and I have to
program up some replacements. All I have is some software to program the
ATF16V8B chips and wincupl.

This is my first try at this game but I have the state machine working
after many hours of searching and puzzling and it behaves the same as
the original chips. BUT...

The driver board has an enable input which should turn off the motors.
In the current design, that is done by setting the outputs all high when
ENABLE is active. unfortunately, this only happens if a clock pulse is
applied as (I suppose) it has to get clocked through the output registers.

Is there a way to make the ENABLE input force the outputs to a
predetermined state with or without a clock pulse?
You have your registers on four of the output pins. Route those values
combinatorially to the remaining four outputs so that, for example,
(if ENA reset is "motors off"; flip to !ENA if not so).

pin [16..19] = Y[3..0];
Y0 = ENA & Q0;
Y1 = ENA & Q1;
Y2 = ENA & Q2;
Y3 = ENA & Q3;

(Is there a shorthand notation for that? My CUPL is a bit rusty.)

If you're already wired to come off of 12..15, move the registered
outputs up a nibble, of course.

A disadvantage (or maybe an advantage) is that the registers don't
change value if only ENA changes, so going back to the active state will
restore the stepper bits to where they were (if no clk changes...).

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
Rich Webb wrote:
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 00:29:38 GMT, Pete Harrison> wrote:

I guess the combination of Wincupl and a 16V8 will be pretty much steam
technology for most of you but it is a real mystery to me.

On the other hand, a 16V8 or 22V10 is often the perfect size.
Indeed. I am sometimes frusrated by people expounding the virtues of
this or that CPLD etc when you can only get them in SMT multipin
packages. Not much good if you just want an address decoder.

You have your registers on four of the output pins. Route those values
combinatorially to the remaining four outputs so that, for example,
(if ENA reset is "motors off"; flip to !ENA if not so).

pin [16..19] = Y[3..0];
Y0 = ENA & Q0;
Y1 = ENA & Q1;
Y2 = ENA & Q2;
Y3 = ENA & Q3;

(Is there a shorthand notation for that? My CUPL is a bit rusty.)

If you're already wired to come off of 12..15, move the registered
outputs up a nibble, of course.

A disadvantage (or maybe an advantage) is that the registers don't
change value if only ENA changes, so going back to the active state will
restore the stepper bits to where they were (if no clk changes...).
This is an excellent advantage in this case as it may make it more
likely that the steppers will start up again without a large jump to a
new detent.

I have just tried this and it works a treat. Luckily, the other outputs
are all free in this circuit.

I also tried the shortcut:

Pin [12..15] = [Q3..0]; /** **/
Pin [16..19] = [Y3..0];

field output = [Q3..0];
field stpctrl = [Y3..0];

/* state machine stuff */

output = ENA & stpctrl;

Which works just fine

Thank you so much. I have no idea where you are so you will have to make
do with a couple of virtual beers (or whatever you prefer)

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 00:29:38 GMT, Pete Harrison <> wrote:

I guess the combination of Wincupl and a 16V8 will be pretty much steam
technology for most of you but it is a real mystery to me.

I blew up some 16V8 stepper sequencers the other day and I have to
program up some replacements. All I have is some software to program the
ATF16V8B chips and wincupl.

This is my first try at this game but I have the state machine working
after many hours of searching and puzzling and it behaves the same as
the original chips. BUT...

The driver board has an enable input which should turn off the motors.
In the current design, that is done by setting the outputs all high when
ENABLE is active. unfortunately, this only happens if a clock pulse is
applied as (I suppose) it has to get clocked through the output registers.

Is there a way to make the ENABLE input force the outputs to a
predetermined state with or without a clock pulse?
You could do it using the OE pin on pin 11, and use external pullup/pulldowns.
If you have enough free output pins, you could also route the state machine outputs back through
another 4 cells to provide an asynchronous enable function.
Or you could pass the clock through a cell before feeding into pin 1, so you could generate a forced
clock pulse when enable gets asserted.
Or you could pass the clock through a cell before feeding into pin 1, so
you could generate a forced
clock pulse when enable gets asserted.
Ding ding ding. Can you say "runt pulse"?

The mail server is located in California. So are all my
other mailboxes. Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited
commercial e-mail to my address or any of my other addresses.
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:25:38 -0500, (Hal Murray) wrote:

Or you could pass the clock through a cell before feeding into pin 1, so
you could generate a forced
clock pulse when enable gets asserted.

Ding ding ding. Can you say "runt pulse"?
Depends on when you are likely to be using the enable - in most cases it will probably not be a
problem, as either the enable will be well seperated from movement signals, and if you are
disabling, you probably don't care. Additional terms could be added to the state machine to reduce
the risk of false counting if this is an issue.
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 08:10:16 GMT, Pete Harrison
<> wrote:

I have just tried this and it works a treat. Luckily, the other outputs
are all free in this circuit.

I also tried the shortcut:

Pin [12..15] = [Q3..0]; /** **/
Pin [16..19] = [Y3..0];

field output = [Q3..0];
field stpctrl = [Y3..0];

/* state machine stuff */

output = ENA & stpctrl;

Which works just fine
Ah! I'd forgotten fields; knew there had to be *some* way to avoid
having to list them explicitly.

Thank you so much. I have no idea where you are so you will have to make
do with a couple of virtual beers (or whatever you prefer)
Beer is fine; thanks! I'm in the midst of a week of grunting through
some reliability paperwork (FMECA, ugh) so a small potation is welcome.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA

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